Chapter 22 - Harry

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[A/N] Our little Hazza’s big chance to speak his mind in his POV this time! :)


Harry’s POV

I sit alone in my room, thinking about the disappointment I am. I messed up during the most important solo. I had it down in rehearsal, but once I got on stage, I tried to get enough air in my lungs to support my low voice. It just wasn’t enough. I let out a few tears before realizing there was someone else in the room with me.

I look up into red eyes and jump. I close my eyes tight and try to stop myself from screaming. Katie told me about the red eyes. She told me to never trust them, but yet I haven’t seen them until now.

“Haz! Open the door!” the boys scream from the other side of the door. I open my eyes to see Katie standing there with her hands on her hips.

I sigh and open the door for the guys. They pile into my hotel room each sitting on the couch with the exception of Katie who just stands behind them. I try not to cry and sit on the recliner on the left side of the beige living room.

“Haz, you can’t keep looking on twitter. Sure you messed up, but we all will,” Liam begins, always being the father of the group.

Katie puts her hand on his shoulder causing Liam to jump a bit, but regain his stableness. I hand my phone and laptop to Liam giving him a sign that I’ll stop. The boys all crowd around me with hugs.

“You’ll always have us and our true fans Harry,” Louis says with mumble. They all leave the room while I silently say in my mind “and Katie”.

I don’t find Katie anywhere with me, so I sit in my bed wondering what I should do to make me stop thinking about all those comments. I want to know why they hate me, there has to be reason as to why they do. I stare at the ceiling only to find the same eyes staring back at me.

A figure falls out of the ceiling, floating aimlessly above me. It has dark hair, red eyes, black attire, and glasses. It’s smirk falls onto it’s lips and slowly floats to the edge of the bed. The eyes turn into a comforting brown. The only brown eyes that I relax to. Katie’s.

“Hi Harry,” the thing says smiling, trying to act nice. I sit up quickly while hugging a pillow tightly in my arms. It chuckles out of amusement of my fright, “I’m not going to hurt you Harry, but uh, I do know a way how to make those people stop saying those mean comments. You just have to make a deal with me.”

I hold my breath knowing I shouldn’t make a deal with a demon, but it’s promising something that will help my self esteem. I stare at the hand in front of me. It’s pale with dirt spots all over, but the nails are pitch black.

“Oh Harry, don’t be frighten. I’m Katie’s brother, Kristian. I can help you. I want to, and I’m not a demon, I swear on my life,” the thing says again.

I squint my eyes at him. He does look like Katie, but I shouldn’t trust a thing he says. I stare into his eyes, he seems to be telling the truth. What’s the deal though?

“What’s the deal?” I say looking at him with caution.

“The deal is, I take away all the mean comments that those horrible people are saying, and all you have to do is give me your first male child born in your family,” Kristian says.

Well, if it takes away the mean comments, but I would be either giving up my child or one of my grandchildren. I don’t want to, but...I stare at the hand a little longer. It starts to turn black with irritation of waiting. I pull my hand out and wait for the handshake.

“AAAHHH!!” Kristian screams pulling his hand away from mine. Yellow lights blind my vision making my hand fall back to my eyes so I don’t blind myself. “Ahh! I will get them Katie!” Kristian’s final screams come and then the room grows quiet.

I open my squinted eyes to only witness a very red faced Katie. Her breathing is heavy, I bet the other guys could hear it from the rooms down. Her eyes turn solid blue with her lips curling into a frown. Her speed towards me shoots at me like a vampire.

“WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU HARRY! YOU DON’T MAKE A DEAL WITH A DEMON! LET ALONE THE ONE I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM!” she screams into my face, he hands using exaggerated gestures.

I shrink back in my bed. I have never in my life heard her yell that mean to me. She she’s scolded me, yelled at people who bullied me, but never this bad at me. Her screaming stops and her eyes turn back to her comforting brown eyes. She takes in deep breaths and sits down on my bed.

“Harry, please don’t make a deal with him. I promise once this demon thing blows over I will explain, just please. Don’t do it,” Katie says back in her soothing voice.

I sigh and nod, “I’m sorry, I just wanted the bad comments to stop.” My voice cracks and I feel the tears stream down my face.

She shakes her head at me and wipes away the tears, “He’s the one who created them. He made people hate you. It’s what they were meant to do. He wouldn’t stop them even if you gave him your share of the deal. He’s a con.”

I frown knowing this is a part of fame. Katie and I hug each other like old times. I guess I should really listen to her. She is my guardian angel after all. I still wonder who the other boys are. I know Liam is one of them, but he’ll follow what katie says. He’s that kind of guy. I just hope whatever this Kristian guy has planned won’t break him.

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