S E V E N T Y - N I N E

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"That fucking hurts!" Grayson yells while Isabel cleans up the cut along his cheek and she rolls her eyes, continuing to clean his cut.

He groans whenever she presses the cloth against his cheek until he finally gets fed up and walks away from us to head outside.

"Where is Ethan now?" I ask Isabel who puts her hands in her face as she takes a seat.

"Lisa and Sean kicked him out of the house and told him not to come back until he got his shit together." Her voice is muffled and I look around the living room and kitchen where things were broken, knocked down or thrown all over the room.

My phone lights up with Kieran's picture and I step into the hallway to answer his call.

Kieran: "Is everything good over there? You didn't call me back, I was getting worried something happened to you."

Malia: "Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry, I didn't mean to make you worried."

Kieran: "What happened? Are you okay?You sound...I don't know, upset."

Malia: "Ethan and Samaira were arguing and Grayson stepped in after Ethan pushed her. Things got heated and well, his parents kicked him out and Grayson is beat up pretty bad."

Kieran: "You didn't answer my question, are you okay?"

Malia: "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Kieran: "I know you're lying."

Malia: "I hate you."

He laughs on his side which naturally makes me laugh.

Kieran: "But seriously, what's wrong?"

Malia: "I'm just tired Kieran. I'm tired of all this fighting, of the paranoia, everything. I'd like to go out and not have to look over my shoulder every fucking day."

Kieran: "I know this shit seems never ending, but trust me when I tell you that you're not the only one fighting this. I got you, your grandparents, your friends."

Malia: "I don't want you guys getting hurt because of me-"

Kieran: "I promise you, Malia, I won't let anything happen to you."

Malia: "I know you won't."

Kieran: "Go take care of the situation over there and we'll meet up later."

Malia: "Okay, see you in a bit."

The call ends and when I step back into the living room, Isabel stands in front of me. Her brown eyes filled with tears, brows furrowed while her chest rose up and down.


She breaks down crying the second I say her name and she sinks to her knees.

"Hey, hey what's wrong? Isabel talk to me." She opens her mouth to say something but she only loses her breath and starts to hyperventilate.

"Breathe Isabel, I need you to try and-"

"I-I-" She shakes her head profusely while still crying.


1 Hour Later

We stay outside in the backyard in pure, utter silence. He slowly moves his feet in the water while I come up from behind him and hand him the pills and a glass of water. His hands shake while taking them from me as I payed attention on how his face matched his body and hands, both bruised and cut up.

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