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"Who is he Ethan?" I turn to face him and he ignores me. 

"Who the hell is he-"

"Why do you want to fucking know? He's no one important Malia! Let it the fuck go!" he punches the steering wheel and turns to me.

"If he angers you this much then he does mean something!"

That day when that guy pulled me to the side, Ethan never gave me any more information about him or who he was.

I wanted to know who he was, but he didn't want to tell me.

"Malia, stop!"

"Who was he?"

"Drop it!" he grits his teeth.

"No! A million times NO! I have a fucking right to know who the hell he was to me before I lost my memory!"

The car was starting to get hot, making my face burn while I yelled back at him. Ironic considering it's pouring outside at the moment.

He turns away and completely ignores me, acting as if I'm not right next to him

"Ethan, I swear if you don't-"

He turns up the music and I scream in frustration.

"You're so fucking childish Ethan!" he continues driving and I grab my jacket.

"Stop the car!" the car stops abruptly, clearly scaring Ethan and I step out of the car while I put on my jacket.

"Where are you going?" he yells, getting out of the car as I walk away from him and the car.

"Away from you. I just can't be around you right now!"


"When you're ready to tell me what I deserve to know, then come and see me!"


I haven't talked to him in a week, yet whenever I think of him I want to punch him in the face.

He's the only one who can get under my skin like this, but he's also the only one who knows how to make me swoon over him.

If he wasn't my boyfriend, I'd probably choke him for being so damn stubborn and annoying.

But I can't say that I'm the perfect girlfriend either because I have one too many flaws myself. Most guys would have gotten tired of the bullshit and left, but Ethan hasn't and I gotta give him credit for dealing with my stubborn ass too.

When I pull up to the school, I dread coming out of my car.

I look in the rear view mirror of my jeep and that's when I see him.

The guy from the other day.

The one Ethan won't tell me about.

I watch him as he talks to a few of his friends and I have to look away from him to stop drooling over him.

As pissed as I am at Ethan, cheating and leaving him isn't an option for me.

But I must admit, my taste in guys is far from bad.

I look back at him through the mirror. A mop of curls rests on his head with one or two curls falling onto his forehead. He was wearing a navy blue shirt with white patterns on it that were hard to see from the distance I was watching him from. The white shirt that he was wearing underneath was tight enough to the point where I could see how built he was.

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