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"¡Pendeja!" *Stupid* Someone smacks the back of my head and I flinch.

When I turn around, I see Isabel, Charlotte, Andrea, and Sam.

"Oh my god!" I yell as I hug Isabel. She pushes me off and she starts yelling at me.

"You fucking dumbass! You leave for seven months without telling us anything and we find out that you and Ethan were dating and Mackenzie is pregnant with his child!"

Random people stare at us and I feel my face heat up. "Isabel, we're in public, shut-"

"I don't give a fuck!" Charlotte, Andrea, Sam, Avery and I all grab her and we head outside.

We were supposed to be watching a movie at the movie theater, but I don't think she'll stay quiet.

"I know what I did and I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys! I just didn't know how you guys would react and now I realize that I should have told you guys"

"You're damn right"

"Can we just talk about this somewhere else and not here in public?"

"Fine, but you are telling us everything that happened between you two horny fuckers"


"So this all started by a sex deal?" Sam asks and I nod. "I'd call it friends with benefits, but we weren't even friends at the time" I say as I grab onto the ledge of the pool.

"And how did you two start dating?" Charlotte asks as she dips her feet into the water.

"We...kinda confessed to eachother the day after we got drunk off our asses at the club, remember?"

"That day?" Andrea asks as she swims towards me and I nod once again.

"We had gotten into a fight because Grayson, Cameron and I went out to go get some food and we spent the rest of the day at the mall while Mackenzie was having dinner with Ethan and his parents, and when we came back, he caught me there and it led to a full blown argument and that's when he finally admitted to me that he liked me and then he took off pissed off, and I did too. Ethan and Grayson had picked me up from the club and-"

"So they were there! I knew I had seen them there but we were drunk so I just left it alone" Isabel pipes up.

"Anyways!" I yell and she glares at me.

"The day after, we finally admitted to eachother that we liked eachother and it went on from there"

"That's why he made a big ass scene with her in the cafeteria" Avery adds on and I get out of the pool.

"So what now? What's up with Ethan and you?"

"We aren't exactly on good terms at the moment" I say as I grab a canned soda from the cooler.

"You practically cursed his unborn child to have a shit relationship when they're older, I can see why"

I flip Avery off and she laughs while jumping into the pool. "What about the bet Avery mentioned earlier?"

"Oh that, the plan was to say we supposedly made a bet to see if he could fall for me-"

"But we actually did make a bet and she wants to expose it at prom" Avery finishes for me and they all look at me with wide eyes.

"Well I mean, he did get Mackenzie pregnant-"

"Has anyone ever considered that maybe the kid isn't even his?" Avery asks and I shake my head.

"The way he's been acting is enough"

"Do you really want to fuck up his night at prom though? Is it really worth it?" Sam asks and I groan.

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