Chapter Twenty.

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Chapter Twenty. 

            The day of Justin’s concert everything was hectic from the moment we woke up. We were up late as it was and since his meet and greet started at four we had to practically speed rush to get ready in time.

            “I don’t know what to wear.” I groaned, rummaging through my duffel bag. “I forgot to bring everything, remember?”

            “Babe you’re gonna be backstage. You could wear sweatpants and I wouldn’t care, okay?”

            For a second I thought about rolling my eyes but I withheld that and finally grabbed a black flare skirt with a long sleeved lace top, scurrying into the bathroom once knocks on the hotel room door echoed into my ears. I was only in my bra and underwear right now so if anyone saw me like this I’d probably die of embarrassment.

            In about two minutes I was dressed and I touched up my makeup to make sure it looked semi-okay before I rushed back out into the living room and immediately got a smile on my face when Scooter and his wife Yael were standing there.

            “Sophia!” Scooter exclaimed. “It’s so good to see you again!”

            Before I knew it I was giving him the biggest hug I could come up with as I saw Justin smiling so big out of the corner of my eye. I really missed being around Justin and being around his friends. I missed every single thing and it’s like finally the pieces of an unsolved puzzle were finally coming together.

            “It’s so good to see you Scooter. I’ve missed you so much!”

            And then I pulled away and smiled so brightly at Yael who gave me the same smile back and enveloped me in a hug as well. She was so beautiful. Her brown hair had ringlets at the end and I immediately got jealous because that’s what my hair never flipping did. Ever.

            “Hold on. I have to change.” Justin said, leaning over to kiss me on the cheek. “I’ll be right back.”

            “Justin, seriously? We gotta go. Why did you wait so long to get ready?”

            My cheeks went crimson when I remembered this morning and when the alarm clock went off we didn’t exactly get up. Instead we caught up some more if you get what I’m saying and we just weren’t really paying attention to the time and as Justin started to give him a little smirk I looked down at my heels and cursed him for being so open with his manager.

            “Just get ready.” Scooter groaned. “God, kid.”

            Justin just laughed and went into the other room, Scooter wrapping me in a hug again once he left to try and somehow get rid of the awkwardness I think.

            “It’s good to see you back Sophia.” He said. “He seems better already.”

            “Well it’s good to be back. It was hard this past year Scooter. Really hard.”

            Yael turned to look at me then.

            “Scooter told me about everything going on Sophia but just remember that it’s not up to you who you’re in love with. That’s your hearts choice.”

            Scooter wrapped his arm around her waist after she said that and before I had the chance to say anything back Justin came hurrying back into the room wearing jeans, a white long sleeved v-neck shirt and a watch around his wrist. God, he looked so good.

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