9 ~ Red

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You froze in fear and jin instantly moved his hand closer to his chest in an attempt to protect you from the unknown possible threat. 

"who is there" jin called out seeing that there was no one around. Only the miles and miles of red sand. 

"it seems like you are qualified for the first trial" the voice spoke out again, your were terrified and jin seemed worried by the new voice as well

"you see I can feel it from you, the emotion I test" the voice said again

Your heart hammered as you clung to jins finger

"what do you mean" jin asked but there was no answer. The voice seemed to not want to talk any further but suddenly you remembered what it said in the beginning. 

"a trial. Does that mean you are one of the souls" you asked you were practically screaming since you were so small, you hoped the voice, or soul could hear you. 

You remembered what the others said, that it was possible that there were souls who protected the forest. That they tested people and fed off of emotions.

"ah, it seems like something else was brought to my domain other that the one who should be tested" the voice spoke. It was calm, as you stood on jins hand

"yes, you could call me a soul. I prefer guardian of the everlasting tree, but you may call me a soul" the voice said and jin spoke "what do you want"

"well it's simple really, I want to make sure you are worthy of travelling through the forest" the voice spoke and you felt worried as you watched the red sand around you suddenly begin moving. 

Then in a matter of moments there was a red sanded figure in front of you. The figure had no face, it was simply a body made completely of red sand. 

You froze once again as you felt fear staring at the faceless sandy figure. 

"you held the emotion that I despise the most, so I will be testing you. To see if you are worthy of moving forwards" the voice spoke as the sandy figure moved forwards and you gulped. 

"what about our friends" jin asked and the red figures stopped it's movements

"you're friends are free to move through, they do not harbor the emotion that I despise, unlike you. That small one though, I did not mean to bring it here. Well considering it should not be here since it is not from this world"

You were surprised as the red figure lifted it's arm and pointed a figure at you while you stood in jins hand. You wondered how this thing knew you were not from this world

"the everlasting tree is aware of many worlds and many fates" the red figure spoke and you felt another headache thinking about how this tree exactly worked

"the trees root's spread around" the being spoke softly and for a second you felt less threatened

But the soul spoke again

"now you, you may go back little one. But the other one stays. You don't deserve to move on with than disgusting emotion attached to you" the being spoke referring to letting you go but you refused to leave without jin. 

What emotion was thing thing talking about, you assumed it was the emotion you could not quite place earlier on jins face. 

"please, we just want to get back to our friends" you pleaded out. 

Then suddenly the sand began moving around you and the winds picked up

"YOU WISH TO MOVE THROUGH THIS FOREST WITH SOMEONE WHO HARBORS SUCH AN UGLY EMOTION" the voice screamed out and you yelped in surprised and jin quickly covered you with his other hand protecting you from the wind. 

"we have no idea what you are talking about" jin screamed out and the winds got stronger


Then the winds stopped. 

Your heart hammered in your chest while you looked up in fear seeing the red faceless figure move. 

"fine, then maybe I should show you how disgusting that emotion is" the voice spoke and you froze seeing the red sand swirl around in the air. Then suddenly the red faceless figure was replaced. 

You gasped as the figure stood there. 

It looked exactly like jin, but it was simply made completely out of red sand. 

The red sanded jin smirked at you and then spoke "shall I tell your little companion the truth about what you think"

Jin looked up at the red figure in shock "what is going on"

Then the figure spoke

"you don't like being here" jin went rigid at the figures voice, what it said. Then the same expression showed on jins face. The one you couldn't quite recognize. 

"you don't like being here, you don't like the possibility of having to stay here forever" the voice continued and jin looked at it with the same expression

"there it is, that emotion, that disgusting emotion" the red figure seethed out. 

That's when you finally realized it. 


Jin was angry, you weren't sure why. 

So, you spoke

"jin, it's alright to be angry sometimes" you said softly and jin looked down at you in shock and the red figure also looked at you. 

"I'm sorry I didn't notice your feelings earlier. I'm always here when you need me jin" you said softly realizing jin was angry, but he seemed angry at himself. 

"I don't want to be here" jin said softly and you frowned seeing the expression on his face

"I don't want to have to come back. My old job was simply records and magic book keeping in the castle, I don't want to go back. I want to keep living with everyone I want to keep making happy memories...I'm just so angry that we are here and we can't make it to the castle so we can go home"

Your heart hurt hearing his words. 

He was angry that he couldn't do anything, he was angry you were trapped, he was angry that he might have to go back to the days he loathed. 

"so what if I'm angry. I get to be if I know I have to leave the people I care about most soon" jin seethed out challenging the red figure. 

Then it was chaos. 

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