14 ~ Truth

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You stared at the new smirking namjoon confused. 

But suddenly you were snatched out of namjoons hands and you were right inside of the impostors hands. The namjoon look alike or 'reflection' smiled at you as namjoon screamed

"let her go"

"my, my, so it seems like an other worldly being has visited. You are in the way" then in an instant you were confused as the reflection placed you on the ground and you tried to run back to namjoon but you froze when you ran into a wall

Glass, the reflection had somehow trapped you

You banged on the glass while namjoon looked very distressed "let her go, she didn't do anything"

Then the reflection smirked at namjoon "she can go as soon as I kill you"

You felt like throwing up hearing the words, so it seems like you were wrong about a lot of things. Clearly the souls were here to hurt the people they trapped in their trails and clearly it was not only emotion based. 

Namjoon had to face the reflection of truth. 

"so namjoon, shall we begin" the reflection spoke. 

You screamed in fear seeing the thing run towards namjoon and it tackled him to the ground before it took a few swings at namjoon. 

"stop you're hurting him" you screamed out as namjoon was senselessly being beat by this thing.  You gasped in fear as the reflection spoke still attacking namjoon

"you're weak. You think you are a good leader, just because you got put on team one. Being a leader for a small group doesn't mean you've changed. You think going back to that job is what you want, you really want to live your life as a pathetic lonely book keeper. That is the truth you claim, but is it true" it asked out and namjoon tried to fight back but his reflection seemed too strong

"you should just die, then I could take your place" the reflection spoke and you froze. 

You froze because namjoon had stopped struggling and the reflection had stopped their attack. Then the reflection got up from the ground and namjoon laid on the ground defeated. But it wasn't just that, it seemed like he gave up. 

Namjoon the laughed out, but it was a bitter laugh as he laid on the ground injured. 

"fine, take my place then. It's not like they need me anyways" namjoon breathed out and you stood quietly. 

The in moments the reflection was right near the spot where he left you on the ground and he bent down. The glass that surrounded you seemed to disappear and suddenly you were tightly in his hand being grasped. 

"well then, let's go" the look alike spoke simply while you tried to process what was happening. 

Then, the sky above, or more like the reflection above began to glow and you knew it was a way out. But your eyes were focused on namjoon who laid on the ground a few feet away from you.

He looked so defeated. 

You felt frustrated, frustrated seeing him give up so easily. Frustrated be was willing to give up the friendship you built with him so easily, with the others so easily. 

You then struggled in the reflections grip as his fingers were curled around your waist keeping you in his hand, but then you screamed out. 


 Namjoon got up from the ground and sat up looking at you in surprise while you continued thrashing trying to get out of the reflections grip. 

Then you let out all your frustration

"you're stupidly clumsy, you hardly know how to keep the others at bay, and you definitely belong with the books" you screamed out and namjoon frowned at your words but chuckled dryly "yeah I know-"

"BUT...you're definitely the leader everyone needs. Even though your clumsy you still care about all of the boys and you immediately know when something is wrong. You always think carefully about things making sure that you pick the best option for everyone, you're a great leader namjoon and everyone needs you" you breathed out. 

Then you paused, you knew deep down that something didn't seem right. You knew that namjoon truly did love reading but something was bothering you so you finally added

"and I know you love reading but if you feel like maybe you have grown fond of my company like I have for you then let's go back together. We can read all the books we want, you can show me all the amazing books in the castle...but in the end let's go back together because I need you and so do the boys" you finally finished your little speech and then you glared up at the reflection that held you in its hand tightly. 

"AND YOU, LET ME GO" you bit into its hand hard and the reflection let you go instantly and you were falling to the ground. 

Well, you didn't think that through.

But when you expected to hit the hard ground instead you felt a soft feeling. 

Namjoon had caught you.

You noticed his teary eyes while he cradled you in his hands and he smiled brightly

"alright, let's go back together y/n"

You smiled back as you saw his busted lip and you felt angry. You turned back to look at the namjoon impostor but the thing glared at you

"you little creature, you bit me"

"yeah I would gladly do it again" you barked out

But namjoon spoke "I can't let you take my place. I want to be there for the others and y/n. I know that they need me just as much as I need them. I don't want to leave them"

Then, the reflection that looked like namjoon suddenly shattered then and dust formed. The dust floated past you and namjoon surrounding you while you were in namjoons hand and it swirled around your body and namjoons wrist as a star like crystal formed and a bracelet was now on his wrist. 

"so, that is your truth then"

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