11 ~ Ocean

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You sat in jimins pocket happily looking out as you all walked together. You noticed the red sand had suddenly began to fade away and in seconds the sand suddenly disappeared as the night sky was replaced by a bright blazing sun. Then surrounding the wooden dock you all walked on there was water, crystal clear water stretched for miles and the wooden dock seemed to stretch just as far. 

Everyone stopped their movements seeing the sudden stretch of ocean. 

"well now I'm scared" taehyung admitted seeing the new scenery

"relax we will be fine" namjoon tried to reassure everyone but he seemed worried himself. Everyone began walking again and you spoke up

"jimin, maybe we should rest or something" jimin looked down at you and gently held out his hand. You climbed out of his pocket and went to stand on his extended hand. 

"maybe that might be a good idea" jimin answered bringing you closer to his face as his crescent eyes appeared as he smiled.

"jimin come on, you don't want to be left behind" jungkook joked and you and jimin looked forwards seeing that you had stopped walking so jimin could safely hold you in his hand. You quickly sat down in jimins hand so he could walk freely without worrying about you falling over. 

But as jungkook had screamed to jimin you noticed an emotion on jimins face, something that brought a sad feeling in your heart. 

"sorry, but y/n was saying we should rest" jimin spoke and he began walking towards the group again, but you froze when you saw something in the crystal clear water suddenly moved. 

"JIMIN" you screeched in fear and jimin looked at you and stopped his moments as suddenly the calming ocean water around everyone began raging in anger within moments. Then as you and jimin were a few steps behind everyone, the small distance of the wooden planks were suddenly broken. 

The wood splintered in half as you and jimin were separated from the others in the group

"JIMIN, Y/N" yoongi screamed out.

Then the other side of the wooden planks behind you and jimin were on suddenly broken too, you two were stranded on two a small plank of wood standing helplessly.

The plank you two were on was suddenly being pushed further and further away from the others and jungkook was about to jump into the water but the ocean waves raged harder, almost threatening the others. 

Jin grabbed jungkooks shoulder preventing him from going into the water knowing it was too dangerous as the waves got more serious and you and jimin were helpless as you were dragged away from the others as the waves took you two. 

Slowly the others faded until you and jimin could no longer see them. 

Jimin was holding you to his chest closely making sure you were alright but you could see the worry on his face. 

Then the ocean waves calmed. 

You and jimin remained on the small piece of wooden deck as the waved calmed and suddenly a voice spoke

"so, it seems you have made it past the first trial"

your heart hammered, the voice this time was more low, more calming, just like the water that surrounded you. 

"I am no easier to please, you see a person who harbors the emotion that is needed for my trail does not get to move on in my eyes. So you sit here alone, forever" the voice spoke and your eyes widened, this soul was different. It just wanted you two to stay here lost. 

What kind of trail was this

"y-you can't just do that" you breathed out, you were honestly terrified thinking the soul would lash out like the last one, considering you current size you really didn't think you could survive a being thrown into the vast ocean that surrounded you. 

"oh my, it seems like someone had tagged along" the voice said, you froze one again realizing that this was not your trial. 

"well, your lack of magic presence makes you hard to discover, especially the fact that you are not from this world" again, the soul knew. 

"you can go" the voice spoke and then a glob of water was lifted form the ocean and a figure made completely of water formed and stood on the wooden deck a few steps away from you and jimin. 

Jimin quickly held you closer to his chest weary of the figure in front of you. You also looked up at the watery figure in worry, you had known the anger of the soul from before and honestly you were still terrified of these so called 'guardians'

"no need to be afraid. I can take the little being back to your other companions. However, you jimin must stay here. A person who harbors the emotions you have right now does not deserve to pass" the voice spoke and the water figure lifted its hand outstretching for you

Jimin looked down at you in worry

"you promise you will take her back" jimin asked and you looked up at jimin in shock, you weren't going to leave him here. But the same emotion was on his face. Your heart shattered as you looked at jimin

"there it is, hatred" the voice spoke, and the once calm toned voice sounded angry. 

But you could see it, it was not hatred for the soul that was keeping you two here. No, it was something different. You felt like your whole world was crashing as you stared at jimin your heart hurting.

"that hatred is what keeps you here. I will not let someone pass who harbors such hatred"

You looked up at jimin with teary eyes realizing what you had been missing. It was definitely hatred that jimin felt.

"jimin, why do you have that expression on your face, why do you have that heartbreaking expression" you spoke softly while you stood up in his hand 

You had finally understood the expression on jimins face, it was something that broke you. 

He looked like he hated himself.

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