21 ~ Very Tiny

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You froze hearing soft sobs. It had only been a short time since you had been on yeontans back and the dog had led you to someone it seemed.

"p-please don't leave me alone. Y/n, everyone" your heart broke hearing taehyungs words

"I don't want to go back to looking after the garden all by myself" taehyung sobbed out, it must be that he was the gardener of the castle. You watched as yeontan walked forwards and you ended up screaming.

"TAE I'M HERE" your throat was sore from screaming so loud but you wanted taehyung to know that he was not alone.

A part of you knew this was your own trail as well because you knew exactly how taehyung felt. How lonely he must feel. You remembered how taehyung would always be clingy towards you and now you understood why.

Just like you he was afraid of being left alone.

Then the darkness in front of you revealed taehyung

"TAE" you screamed out happily and taehyung looked up at you. You screamed when taehyung ran over and lifted up the dog that was carrying you so quickly. He looked at you with teary eyes and he also looked at the small dog that had carried you here 

"yeontan, what are you doing here" you were surprised and spoke

"tae you know this dog"

"yeah this is my dog. You know 'tanie' the one I always talked about" taehyung replied while you groaned realizing that 'tanie' was a dog and not some weird sport that they played in this world. Taehyung had always been vague when he spoke of his dog saying things like "you always run with tanie" or "tanie is very difficult"

You figure he was always talking about some weird sport from his world where you ran a lot, ate a lot, and also knew how to play tug of war. But now that you thought about it you should have made the connection.

"thank you tanie for bringing y/n to me" taehyung said with a genuine grateful look and yeontan barked happily

Then a cold voice spoke

"how did you two find each other. Hm, well I see it was the dog...well no matter you two would have found your way together anyways" the cold voice mumbled the last part

"well, I suppose this is it. Congratulations on finishing the trails, and here is a gift. Something I know you will need when you have to come to make a hard decision" the voice spoke again and you froze. 

Suddenly the darkness was lifted and there was everyone else a few feet away.

"GUYS" hoseok cheered while he hugged jimin and you laughed seeing the scene in front of you.

"we are here" namjoon breathed out and everyone looked up seeing the large castle in front of them. 

"w-we made it" you said in disbelief. 

Then you all walked forwards towards the large front doors of the castle.  You admired the light pink crystal that lines the walls of the castle as the large doors opened. Then as the doors were fully open you could see a huge room inside with a large crystal hanging from the ceiling lighting the room.

There in the room was a beautiful woman with a crown made of gold on her head along with a male with a matching crown on his head, they both sat on large chairs made of crystal. The king and queen,

"mom, dad" jungkook said

Well, and jungkooks parents

"YOU'RE LATE IT'S BEEN AN HOUR WHAT WERE YOU DOING" jinyoung, the guy who pulled you in and made you end up here in the first place. You wanted to yell at him for leaving you all behind in the frist place but you were more concerned about the time, it had definitely been more than an hour, how exactly did time work in that magical forest

Well it's a magical forest, you figured you really didn't want to hurt your head thinking about it. 

Instead you went back to wanting to hurt jinyoung for leaving you at the portal. You wanted to scream at jinyoung but namjoon beat you to it

"we are late because you LEFT US"

"you could teleport, what are you talking about" jinyoung retorted and namjoon sighed

"we can't teleport for some reason, we tried but we had to go through the forest to get here"

Jinyoungs eyes widened but the king and queen simply spoke "please, enough let's not argue. You're powers must have been affected due to the trip here. You have never traveled to such a different world, I suppose you just need to rest to regain your strength"

Then the queen stood up from her spot in the crystal chair and she walked over to jungkook gently hugging him

"I'm just glad you are safe jungkook. Now, the rest of you should contact your parents as well. They must be worried sick" the queen spoke and you saw all of the boys look guilty and you were sat in taehyung palm. 

"mom, are you disbanding the research team" jungkook asked and the queen chuckled

"of course not" everyone looked shocked and the king stood up and stepped forwards as well

"the research team can stay, you all did an amazing job and clearly you are much more suited for a team"

"r-really" taehyung squeaked out a look of pure happiness on his face, you just noticed the black crystal on his wrist along with the bracelet. So it seems like they all got one.

"s-so we can all go back with y/n" jungkook asked and his mother smiled

"of course sweetheart" your heart soared. You couldn't believe it, everyone was going to go home, you could finally go home. You felt tears of happiness well in your eyes but the queens eyes wandered around and she looked very confused

"um where is the girl anyways" she asked and you spoke up from taehyungs hand

"I'm right here"

she looked like she was going to faint as her eyes were wide staring at your tiny form sitting in taehyungs hand. Taehyung lifted you up in his hand so she could see you better and she leaned closer to you. Her finger reached out and she gently touched the top of your head, she seemed shocked that you were real.

"m-my you are very tiny"

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