16 ~ Again

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The white figure was staring right at jungkook who was simply standing still not even sinking an inch into the ground. 

The prince, jungkook was a prince

But then the white figure turned to you still held high over hoseoks head as he continued sinking into the ground

"it seems like you want this one little being the most" the voice spoke while you went rigid

Jungkook looked up and spoke "enough, stop this. I don't want any of this" jungkook spoke out looking extremely panicked and the voice began laughing 

"and that is where you are wrong. I see it in you, the jealousy that burns inside you like a raging fire. You feel so much jealously, you want this jungkook"

Jungkook looked angry as he screamed back "I do not want this at all, stop this right now"

"yeah you stupid soul, kook wouldn't want this" jimin piped in defending his precious friend and then the voice almost growled out in anger

"how ridiculous. You want to deny it. I see ALL OF IT. Your jealousy had driven you here, right now you want this. You want your friends to be stuck here forever with you. Especially that little being"

Your heart stopped at the voices words. So it seemed like it didn't intend to kill anyone but it seemed to want to trap you here for some reason. You looked up in panic noticing hoseok was waist deep in the ground and you knew you had a short time before everyone would sink in. 

"n-no I don't" jungkook said back and the voice laughed again, it sounded almost amused by jungkooks words. 

"oh young prince you don't have to deny the jealous emotion you feel. Just let it consume you, I can make it so they stay here with you forever" you froze upon hearing the words. 

"I know you don't want to go back right. You know deep down in your heart that even if the king and queen allowed everyone from the research team to go back that they would not let you leave. You are their precious son after all. You're jealous, you're jealous that they will all get to stay together and you will be stuck in the castle, all alone once again. You want them to stay here with you. You're jealous at the thought that they might be able to move on and live happy lives while you would have to stay here. So, make them stay, let the jealously consume you"

Your heart hammered in your chest and jungkook spoke "t-that's not true" but you could tell, every word was true. The way jungkook fists clenched slightly, a habit he had when he was upset, frustrated. 

You looked up at jungkook not knowing what to say. I mean how could you even begin to relate to him, he was royalty, you had no idea who much pressure he must have felt being in his position. You had no idea how he must feel, how frustrated he must feel being forced this title and having to live here alone for so long. 

He must have been ecstatic when the research team had been formed. You had no idea where to even begin. But you knew you felt one thing in common, jealousy, I mean of course you did. Who didn't in your life. 

"so what, everyone feels jealous sometimes" you pipped up and jungkook turned to your surprised. 

"it's not such a one sided feeling you know. Yes, jungkook may think that he is jealous of everyone if he has to stay here but that's not what he is really thinking" you paused, it was true though. You could tell that the feeling jungkook had wasn't such a one sided feeling where he simply wanted everyone to stay put like this. 

"the jungkook I know is kind and caring and he doesn't want this. He doesn't want everyone to stay like this, he just wants...he wants to stay by everyone's side, not keep them trapped" you said, you felt like you were letting out your own feelings

You knew how jungkook felt, you yourself was jealous thinking about how all the boys wold come back here and they would move on, they would be able to live happily. You wanted them to stay by your side but in reality it would never be like this. You just wanted to be able to be by their side, always. 

"y/n...she's right. This is not what I want, I just want to be able to walk along with everyone" jungkook said and you froze seeing the sinking stop

"hm, you are truly annoying. You don't even belong in this world and yet you seemed to have ruined my fun" the voice spoke and in an instant you watched as the boys were pulling themselves out of the ground covered in what seemed to be white paint all over their clothes. 

"I suppose my trail is finished. Stupid other worldly being" the voice mumbled, you knew it was talking about you. Then in an instant jungkook screamed out

"IT TOUCHED ME" then on jungkooks wrist you could see a white crystal on a sliver chained bracelet

Then the voice spoke again "ugh leave" then in an instant, a complete contrast to the white area you were just in the ground began fading to a bright color. Splotches of reds, oranges, pinks, and more. Then the sky was littered with colors as a bright sunset could be seen. 

"I'm so glad that is over" hoseok said

You smiled in relief while hosoek cradled you in his hand safely relieved you were alright

Everything was extremely colorful even the trees had colorful trunks and the leaves growing off of the trees were multicolored. 

You admired the happy seeming view but you all froze in your spots and jungkook groaned in anger

"not again" he mumbled out when you all heard a very unfamiliar and happy toned voice speak out

"WELCOME TO MY TRIAL" the voice squeaked out in joy

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