5 ~ Light

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You sighed while you sat by the small fountain in the middle of the flower park. You gently looked at the water as the number of people began fading around you. As the sun set you watched as the children no longer ran around, the couples even faded. 

The night fall made everyone slowly disappear. 

You sighed but when your phone rang you jumped slightly in surprise. You looked at the caller and swiped your finger across the screen answering "hello" you spoke and you heard a panicked voice. "Y/N WHERE ARE YOU, DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW WORRIED I AM" jin's voice was loud and sounded like he was going to pass out. 

You smiled at his concern but couldn't answer. How could you say you had sat at the park for hours trying to prepare yourself to say goodbye. A true goodbye. 

"sorry jin, I was just walking around and ended ups staying out longer than I expected" your voice was quiet and you heard jin sigh "well you should have at least told one of us, we were worried about you" jins voice was filled with concern and you found yourself getting teary eyed thinking about how he would be gone from your life soon. 

"sorry jin, but I'm at the fountain in the flower park. Did you tell taeyong, jaehyun, or yugyeom that you guys are leaving. I'm sure they would want to see you off" your spoke softly and you heard a voice scream through the phone

"jin gimme the phone- YEAH BUT THEY CAN'T COME. TAEYONG AND JAEHYUN SAID THEY ARE BUSY. THEN YUGYEOM IS AT WORK" your groaned and laughed hearing taehyung yelling through the phone. "tae no need to yell I can hear you"  you giggled as taehyung quickly squeaked out a little "sorry"

"well, I guess we should come to you then, since we have to go now" your heart shattered while you heard jins voice as he took back the phone and you smiled softly tears forming in your eyes. You knew they couldn't see you considering it was a phone call so you let some tears fall down but you wiped them away and spoke 

"alright, I'll be waiting here then" and jin hung up the phone. You removed your cell phone from your ear and you looked at the bright stars in the sky and you found yourself feeling bitter. 

"so this is really going to be goodbye" your voice was somber while you stared at the night sky waiting for the boys. 


"I don't want to leave" jungkooks voice was angry while he spoke and jin sighed from across the room finishing packing 

"jungkook you know that our parents wont allow us to stay here forever without an explanation, especially your parents"

Taehyung frowned while he stood there "it's not fair, I want to stay here with y/n" he pouted heavily while everyone froze hearing soft sniffles

"I-I don't wan to leave either. I want to stay with y/n too" jimin continued crying while hoseok went to comfort him. Then a cold voice spoke "stop crying jimin, it wont change anything. We have to go back so grow up" yoongi said and namjoon glared at him

"yoongi you don't have to be so cold. We all know you don't want to leave y/n either" namjoons voice was slightly angry but yoongi simply sighed not denying namjoons claim

"okay everyone relax, we all want to stay and that is clear. But we can't stay here anyways, our parents would send people over to get us if we did not come back. Again, especially jungkooks parents" jin spoke while everyone looked at the ground defeated. 

"do you not see how heartbroken y/n is" jin added while everyone looked at him surprised. 

"I swear you guys are so blind sometimes, she was clearly heartbroken. She never smiled like that at us" jin said quietly remembering the heartbreaking site of the clearly fake smile plastered on her face when they talked earlier. 

"b-but if y/n doesn't want us to go either then we should stay" jungkook added while namjoon sighed 

"jin is right jungkook you aren't listening. We can't stay, either way our parents will force us to go back" namjoon spoke while looking upset and then a voice spoke

"WAIT" they all jumped by the loud hoseok while his eyes lit up and he jumped up and down in his spot excitedly. 

"maybe, maybe if we go back and talk to our parents and the king and queen we could stay here or something. We could convince them to let us stay right" hoseok spoke his eyes shining with hope.

"well...I suppose we could at least try" jin said while the others nodded agreeing. It would be the best plan of action for now. 

"alright, well for now y/n is waiting for us so we should go. We can return and talk to the king and queen, then we can come back to our home" yoongi spoke while everyone nodded knowing their home was with y/n. They all took one last look at the apartment they had grown fond of and they began walking out one by one, each of them not wanting to leave behind the small apartment. 

They didn't want to leave y/n behind


You yawned while waiting for the boys. You looked around the flower park wondering when they would arrive. They were taking a little longer than normal but you assumed that the large amount of bags probably slowed them down

Especially namjoon, he bought a cotton candy machine a month ago and you figured he would definitely try to bring it back to his world with him. You began laughing thinking about the dimpled male trying to drag the large cotton candy machine with him down the street. 

But as you laughed your eyes met the seven figures walking down the street towards the fountain. You waved them over "guys" you smiled and they smiled back while they continued walking over to you. 

But you saw a bright light, you were confused but you looked behind you to see the fountain was glowing, so the portal must be open. You assumed that it was because the boys would be going home. 

You looked into the water seeing you own reflection was hardly visible since it was dark outside and it was glowing. But then you heard a voice

"HURRY UP YOU SEVEN" then a hand reached up and grabbed your wrist. Your eyes widened while the hand pulled hard and before you could comprehend what was happening you heard yells

"y/n" the boys screamed and you felt yourself being pulled into the small glowing fountain by a mysterious unknown hand. 

Then a bright light blinded you.

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