17 ~ Color

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"WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME" the voice, it was high pitched and you could feel the happiness that radiated from the new soul that had suddenly spoke

"welcome to my precious trial. I hope you enjoy my scenery. I really love bright colors" the voice happily chirped. You stood up in hoseoks hand and looked around cautiously. 

"my trial is simple" the voice happily said and jungkook groaned "great something else that is going to try to kill one of us" then the voice gasped "I WOULD NEVER" you all jumped in surprise while the chirpy voice screamed in horror. 

"my trial is only about happiness. I love it, happiness, it brings people together. It makes bright smiles, it brings warmth to everyone" the voice happily spoke and you couldn't help but feel like this soul felt very similar to someone. 

Then it hit you like a brick to the face.

This voice literally sounded like jung hoseok himself. Your precious sunshine who literally radiated happiness and cheer every moment of the day. 

"well...let's see here" the chirpy voice spoke and you all stepped back a bit surprised when the multicolored ground morphed, suddenly the colors from the ground merged into swirls of color and there stood another faceless figure.

This was getting annoying.

The figure moved, but unlike the other figures you had encountered this one literally had a slight jump in it's step, like it was happily skipping towards your group. You honestly didn't know what was more terrifying, a faceless figure slowly walking towards you or the figure happily skipping towards you.

"my...well. YOU FIRST" the figure reached out and you yelled "JIN" then the figure grabbed jins shoulders and everyone tried to pry the thing off of him. However, hoseok had you in his hand so he simply brought you closer to him making sure to protect you. 

"well then, hmm. OH you seem happy, you pass" the happy voice spoke while the faceless figure let go of jins shoulder then immediately grabbed jungkook and jimins wrists. 

"this is so exciting two more happy people who match my scenery perfectly"

then in an instant, the figure grabbed yoongi. You immediately felt a little nervous knowing yoongi was more of the quite type and tended to be on the grumpier side but the figure simply hummed "well, I see you are truly happy with your precious friends"

Taehyung screamed and tried to run away not wanting the figure to touch him but the figure grabbed his wrist before he could run "happy, happy, happy" the voice chirped out. It sounded ecstatic. 

"well I suppose your trial is to test everyone's happiness. So I suppose I'm next" namjoon spoke out simply and the figure lifted it's multicolored hands and clapped them together like a happy child

"perfect, you're all so bright and colorful like my precious scenery" the figure spoke and you all sighed in relief. 

"you may all pass" then you sighed in relief knowing the thing was going to let you guys go. 

This was much easier then you though it would be. 

You all walked passed the multicolored faceless figure but as you walked you froze when hoseok, the person who hand been holding you in his and had stopped his movements. 

"now you...you are RUINING MY SCENERY" your heart stopped, suddenly the happy tone of the souls voice was replaced with an angry and almost cold voice. It sent chills down your spine. 

Then in an instant you watched as the figure grabbed hoseoks other hand and you watched in horror as the color drained from him. Literally, the color from his skin and the bright orange sweater he wore was literally draining from him. 

He looked like the previous scenery, drained of color, simply monochrome. 

You yelled when you looked down and your legs started losing color and hoseoks turned to you looking at his hand horrified and quickly placed you on the ground. Then the color returned to your legs. 

"you don't deserve to pass, to enjoy my scenery. Everyone else is happy, so why are you RUINING my place with your disgusting sadness" the voice screamed in anger

Your heart stopped at the words, hoseok, your sunshine, sad?

He was literally the definition of cheer, happiness, and everything warm. How could this soul even think that he was the one ruining the bright scenery that surround everyone, if it was anyone it would be you. 

Hoseok was literally drained of all color and he blinked while looking down at his hands, he was completely monochrome. 

"you don't deserve my happy scenery" the voice spoke again and you heard a loud voice

"are you crazy, hobi is the happiest sunshine ever. If anyone deserves this scenery it is him" taehyung spoke out angrily. 

"HE DOES NOT. His sadness is disgusting, the way he weeps inside, his sadness is overwhelming and it is ruining my beautiful bright colors"

Then you looked at hoseok. His monochrome eyes, you could finally see something, how dull his eyes looked. It wasn't just because the actual color had been taken from his eyes, it was a different dullness. 

You had realized how sad his eyes looked. 

Again, like an idiot it seems like you had always failed to see how your friends were feeling. 

Your heart hurt but then there it was, a bright smile on hoseoks face, 

"guys you should go with out me for now. I know you guys will come back for me. So maybe it's best if we split up for now" he spoke out. 

"now don't worry, clearly this soul is less hostile so I can wait here for you. I don't mind waiting. I'm your sunshine after all" hoseok chirped out with a big smile on his face. 

But the heart shaped smile brought another feeling of pain in your heart. Had you never noticed, how long had it been since hoseok had that smile on. That fake, fake, smile.

Your heart wretched in pain again when you looked at him as jungkook picked you up off of the ground. Safely cupping you in his hand. 

How had you never noticed how sad hoseok looked.

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