3 ~ Leave

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You yawned while you laid on the couch beside yugyeom and you both were watching tv together. He had a shift for work so he would be leaving soon but right now you both decided to finish the movie you were watching. 

You however were distracted. 

Suddenly you mind drifted to the new roommates you had acquired and spent time with over the past three months. 

Yoongi, an odd one. He was more quiet and you two would always spend your days simply relaxing or listening to music, he loved music with a passion. Then there was jin. The oldest but he definitely didn't act like it sometimes. You two would often spend more time in the kitchen making food together since you both loved to cook. He even baked as well, his cookies were the best. 

Now the two sunshine's known as jimin and hoseok who were literal rays of sun. They brought happy vibes everywhere and you loved spending time with them. Day trips to the park with hoseok was one of your favorites, especially when you two would simply sit at a bench you always went to and talked for hours. The days when you watched jimin paint were truly relaxing, you loved watching as he would hang up his paintings as a look of accomplishment was on his face. You also loved that the paintings around the room brought life to the small apartment.

Then there was the two trouble makers, the too protective jungkook and taehyung. Even though they seemed to be the cause of most of your headaches they were actually the best people to talk to. The days you spent stargazing in silence were the days you cherished with taehyung, even if he did fall over that one time and you rushed to get him a band aid. Then of course there was jungkook, you loved when you two would just go out and explore, even if he sometimes would teleport yugyeom away when he wanted to tag along. 

Then there was namjoon, the days you two spent together were so peaceful. You often read together but there was never a bad silence, it was always comforting. You both loved books and you were glad you had someone who shared your love for stories. 

But your happy thoughts were interrupted when you heard a loud crash

"yugyeom, go check what happened" you sighed while you both heard a loud crash from your room and you both didn't want to see what had happened knowing it would just be another mess from one of the boys most likely breaking something. 

"yugyeom come on" you mumbled out and yugyeom mumbled back "no way you go, it's your room" you simply glared at you roommate and sighed getting up from the couch and travelling to you room.

You opened the door to see namjoon, jin, and yoongi. Namjoon looked panicked as he looked down and you noticed your favorite mug shattered on the ground

You sighed and namjoon looked very guilty while jin kept scolding him

"namjoon I told you so many times to stop being so clumsy. You know that's y/n's favorite cup" you sighed but smiled lightly after seeing how apologetic namjoon looked

"It's fine joonie, I can always buy another cup. As long as you're not hurt" you then reached your hand up and gently patted his head. He looked at you and smiled lightly with a light pink tinge to his face. He always seemed to blush when you used his nickname

You were snapped away from your thoughts though when you heard a loud yell

"Y/N I HAVE TO GO TO WORK" yugyeom yelled while you yelled back "ALRIGHT GYEOMIE HAVE A GOOD DAY" you screamed back and you heard yoongi sighed "do you both have to be so loud" you giggled at his annoyed expression

"sorry yoongs" you said and he blushed lightly while you smiled. 

Then you let out a small 'oof' when someone ran into the room and practically ran into your arms

"Y/N" you groaned as taehyung hugged you tightly but you were used to his overly affectionate behavior, however, you weren't used to the sad expression on his face. 

You panicked seeing taehyungs teary eyes. You sat up to the best of your abilities as he hugged you and you gently spoke

"tae, what's wrong" 

He looked at you with pure panic in his eyes and he seemed like he was panicked. 

Then you were surprised when jungkook, jimin, and hoseok were also showed up running into your room.  

Seeing their expressions worried you even more. 

You felt your heart hammer in your chest while you looked at taehyugns and jimins clearly teary eyes. Hoseok and jungkook grim expression made you feel uneasy too. 

Why did they look so upset. 

A weird feeling took over while you looked at the group of males and you noticed taehyung still looked panicked while he was breathing heavily and looked like he was trying to hold in his tears. 

"You want us here right" taehyung asked and you were taken aback by the question

Of course you did, you loved having the around. They were now a key part in your life, you couldn't imagine not having them around. You had grown attached to them

"please say you do" taheyung begged out and you were surprised when he hugged you tightly again. 

You quickly spoke "of course I do tae, I love having all of your here" you said simply and jimin seemed to be slightly happier by your words but the frown on his face still remained. 

"what's going on right now" jin asked seeing the four who had just come back acting so strangely. You attempted to comfort taehyung while he sniffled into your shoulder. Your heart was shattering every time you heard his soft sniffles as he cried. 

You looked at jungkooks expression, it was so sad, so lost. You were growing more worried by the second as not one of the four would answer jin. It was like they didn't want to say whatever was bothering them and brought them such distress. 

You felt taehyung pull away from the hug and he looked at you. His expression was heartbreaking but the words he spoke next was what had truly broke your heart into pieces

"y/n... w-we have to leave. We have to go back" 

Then your felt like your world was crumbling. 

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