27 ~ Home (jealous)

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You screamed out "wait" you desperately ran after the light pink flower. Your legs moved fast as you rushed down the busy streets and you managed to weave you way around people.

Your eyes were fixated on the light pink flower but you groaned in pain when suddenly your but had hit the concrete.

You had slammed right into someone and fell down, you groaned in pain.

"I'm so sorry, are you alright" a panicked voice spoke. You looked up seeing a male with light brown hair and he had an apologetic look on his face.

"no, no it's my fault. I should have looked where I was running" you spoke and the male gently reached out his hand and you placed your hand in his. He helped you off of the ground and he looked at you smiling lightly.

"I'm really sorry about that. My name is doyoung by the way" you smiled at the male and spoke

"really it's alright, and my name is y/n"

"what were you running after if you don't mind me asking" doyoung questioned and your eyes widened almost forgetting about the light pink flower. You looked up ahead of you and there was nothing. You frowned seeing the flower was gone.

You wondered why you were so compelled to chase after it, but now that it was gone you had no idea what to do. 

"um it was nothing really" you sighed out. Well the flower was gone now so you had missed it. 

"d-does that mean you are free right now" you looked up at doyoung and he had a slight smile on his face. 

"well I suppose so. I guess I'm actually looking for a place to go" you said knowing you were not planning to go back to you apartment. You knew taeyong, jaehyun, and yugyeom would be waiting for you. 

"I could buy you a drink as an apology for running into you" doyoung said while you were about to refuse knowing that you had run into him and it was not his fault but doyoung quickly spoke again

"I would really like to get to know you, I mean not in a weird way. I just think you're cute-" you laughed lightly seeing doyoung have a melt down.

"I'm sorry but I have someone I like" you said not wanting to lead him on when your heart already belonged to someone else, even if he was no longer in your life. Doyoung looked surprised

"o-oh sorry" he said while you smiled lightly

"no need to apologize" you spoke back. You were still thinking about how to avoid taeyong, jaheyun, and yugyeom back at your apartment building so you were thinking of where to go but doyoung spoke again

"I don't mind. I mean I'm going to the cafe anyways. If you would like to come along since you are looking for a place to waste time. Don't worry though it won't be a date we can just go as acquaintances" he said with a bright smile

You smiled as well seeing doyoung seemed like a genuinely nice person

"sure, lead the way"

Doyoung had brought you to a random cafe and after you both bought a drink you went outside to sit at one of the tables. since the weather was nice you both wanted to enjoy the night.

"this is delicious" you said happily as you took a sip of your drink.

"yeah, this is one of my favorite places" doyougn smiled

You looked at doyoung noticing he had a cute bunny like smile. Your smile soon dropped when you thought about one person. Your heart constricted suddenly missing him, you had never healed, you had never gotten over your feelings. 

"do you mind me asking why you look upset" doyoung spoke out.

You gave a sad smile while you placed your drink on the table. You leaned forwards sighing as you spoke

"you could say I missed my chance to tell the person I love how I feel. But then again we could never be together anyways" you said softly.

Doyoung frowned at your words and you felt your eyes well with tears.

"well he was an idiot for not falling for you sooner and telling you quickly. If I was him I would have said it the first month, no first week" doyoung spoke, you smiled and laughed lightly

"thank you doyoung" you paused thinking though

"but maybe he did tell me how he felt. He was always the type to make sure no other guy was around me. He always got jealous easily, and he always told me I was important to him. But then again I would never know if he meant it in a romantic way and I don't think I would ever be able to ask him" you spoke out. It was true he was always jealous and he always made sure that no other guy was too close to you, even if it was him using his magic to teleport people away...and he was always very vocal about how you were a necessity to his life. 

"oh, he isn't around anymore" doyoung asked and you sighed "no I suppose he isn't. He is somewhere that I don't think I could ever reach him again". Your heart was tearing thinking about him, thinking about the person you fell in love with "well then... maybe you should give me a chance then"

You felt something land on your head and you reached up about to brush it off but you had froze after processing doyoungs words. 

You then gave a slight smile "I'm sorry doyoung. Even if he isn't here I know that my heart will never change. I know that no matter what he will always be the person...he will always be the person I love"

You looked at doyoung confused as he looked at the top of your head. 

You figured the thing that landed on your head was bothering him. But you froze when someone spoke

"yeah sorry but she is taken" your heart stopped when you felt a hand grab your wrist and began tugging you along the street as you were taken away from a surprised doyoung.

You looked up as your heart was pounding.

Then he stopped walking and you almost slammed into his back

"I told you not to talk to other guys. Besides now that I know you love me back you are mine y/n" your heart hammered as jungkook reached up his hand and gently removed a small pink flower from your head. The one you chased earlier.

"I'm glad I chased this flower. It seems like it brought me home, it brought me to you" jungkook smiled while he leaned down and kissed you.

You were overjoyed but after he pulled away from the kiss you spoke "b-but you can't stay-"

Jungkook lifted his wrist showing a familiar bracelet "this allows me to stay here. Also if you're even slightly worried about my family they said I didn't have to take the throne...but I did have to bring the others so they could make sure I didn't get in too much trouble"

You laughed as jungkook pouted but you were overjoyed the others came too.

"well as long as you get to stay jungkook. Besides I like having the other boys around" you said happily

"yeah whatever" jungkook mumbled out but you could see the slight smile on his face.

"I'm home y/n" jungkook said softly taking your hand in his

"welcome home" you smiled.

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