15 ~ Black and White

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You and namjoon screamed in fear as you both were lifted off the ground and suddenly you were shoved back through the glass like reflection you two came from. You both ended up on the ground above again. 

"JOON" jungkook screamed out and you watched as the boys ran over to you both and namjoon. You were lifted out of namjoons hand and hoseok grabbed you cradling you in his palm while he sobbed

"namjoon what happened to your face" jin screeched seeing the bleeding lip and the slightly black eye. 

"it was the soul, the reflection. It seems like these trials may be more danger then we suspected" namjoon spoke out and he looked to be deep in thought

"it's best if we stick together in pairs from now on. We have no idea how these trails work fully but for now if we sick in a group then we can all face the trial together. We are stronger together" namjoon said and you smiled. You truly meant everything you had said, you couldn't imagine not having namjoon around. 

Even thought he tended to break a lot of your things he was always the first to notice if you weren't feeling alright, and he was always the first to resolve major conflicts between the boys. 

"well I'm just glad you're okay" yoongi said and namjoon smiled

"me too, and I agree with namjoon we should stick together as closely as possible" hoseok spoke while he held you in his hands gently patting your head. 

"yeah, well namjoon is always right. That's why he is the trusty leader after all" taehyung said happily while you smiled 

"alright, then should we get moving now that we somewhat rested" jin said and everyone agreed wanting to to get out of the forest as soon as possible.

You sat in hoseoks palm happily while you began your journey but you screamed in surprise when the ground shattered. Suddenly the glass like area formed into nothing but complete black and white. 

You were shocked to see white trees growing from the white ground and a completely black sky. You were surprised by the scenery around you but as you looked up you froze when a completely white figure, faceless again, walked towards the group. 

"hoseok move to the back and make sure to protect y/n" hoseok quickly took a few steps back and the others stood in the front. 

"hmmm, it seems like one of you holds an emotion that interests me" the voice, it was more angry than the other souls. Emotion, it seems like this trial was connected to emotions again. 

You all stood together feeling terrified

You were all terrified of what this trail would entail. 

"you, the young prince" you were surprised hearing the voices words, prince.

You looked up seeing the boys stiffen while your heart hammered. Holy shit, so now there was a magical world, you were pocket sized, there was a forest that apparently liked to test people who walked through, and you had no idea but apparently there was a prince among your group of friends. 

You felt dizzy with this new information and instantly you wondered who this supposed prince was. 

But the voice cut off your curiosity with it's angry words. 

"I really love the emotion" you were surprised hearing those words, the other two souls that dealt with the emotions seemed to have a distaste for them, they watched to prevent anyone who had the emotion from going through. But it seems like the opposite for this soul

"now, shall we put this emotion into good use prince" the voice spoke again and you yelled out seeing what hand happened next. 

The pristine white ground suddenly began softening, then like paint it covered hoseoks shoes as his feet sink in. This felt way too familiar, you started thinking back to the red sand area. 

The others shoes were also covered in the white paint like substance as they seemed to sink as well. You looked around panicked and hoseok lifted his arm high above his head making sure you wouldn't sink with him but right now you were on full on panic mode seeing your friends sinking into the ground

You couldn't lose them. 

Your heart hammered while you desperately tried to think of something before they would fully sink in

"this is what you want right, young prince." the voice spoke as the white figure simply walked closer to the group as hoseoks calf was now sunk into the paint-like ground and you tried to wrack your brain to think of anything

"right, well once you're all sunk into the ground just like the prince wants then the emotion will have run it's full course. Oh how I love this emotion, what the emotion can make people feel, can make people do" the voice spoke in a calm voice

"you see I simply love seeing this emotions effects, this is simply my trial. Letting the emotion take effect and seeing what the person truly feels, what the person wants. What the emotions makes the person want. This is my trial for you prince, because this is what you want. This is what the emotion you feel has driven you to want"

You wanted to scream out, how, how was this a trail. This soul was senselessly running it's trail, you suddenly missed the first two souls who at least seemed more reasonable then the last two you had encountered.  

But as hoseok and the other continued sinking you only focused on them but you finally realized the white faceless figure was staring at something, or at least it seemed to be. 

Your eyes followed to where it was looking and your throat went dry seeing exactly what it was looking at. You felt sick coming to the realization that you finally knew who this supposed prince was considering he was the once person who was not sinking into the ground like the others as the voice spoke once again

"so, this is what you want right, this is what jaelousy has caused"

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