18 ~ Rain

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You had always thought of hoseok as your personal sunshine. Whenever you had a bad day, when it felt like the world was against you there was always hoseok happily waiting for you at home and ready to brighten your day. 

Your personal sunshine who knew how to make you feel better. He always took you to the same park, he always walked with you forcing you to go outside to talk with him. He was always smiling brightly at you until you followed and couldn't help but smile back at him. 

He was the warmth you needed in your life, he was your precious sunshine. 

But looking at his face, the fake smile, the sad eyes. You seemed to have been too selfish. 

You seemed to have forgotten that even though there are sunny days when the bright sun would shine down and try to warm the people below there was also those days where the bright sun would try its best to bring warmth...but it still rained. 

The days when the sun had lost and the rain and dark skies won. 

Right now you could tell that you had forgotten that everyone had rainy days, and it seems like hoseok was trying to hide his desperately. 

"well go on, besides, the king and queen wouldn't be swayed by my opinion anyways I was just the guard of the portal" hoseok said while waving his hand in a gesture to tell the group to go.

The portal, the very first place you had shown up in. You remember how the place seemed so empty, miles of green grass sounded the large water fountain. Not a person in sight. 

You quickly tried to climb out of jungkooks hand and he screamed in surprise but he quickly placed you on the ground as you rushed over to where hoseok stood and you grabbed the end of his pant leg. 

Your small tiny hands began to lose color and hoseok screeched "y/n let go, are you trying to get stuck here"

But you were so frustrated, why had hoseok never told you how he felt. However, you were more frustrated at yourself. He had done so much for you but you had never once cheered him up, or asked him how he felt. 

You were so frustrated. 

"I won't let you go until you tell me what's bothering you" you screamed out clinging to his pant leg. You remembered the familiar phrase hoseok would always say to you when you were too stubborn to tell him how you felt or why you were angry some days 

"because I will always be here and you can't get rid of me" you screamed out again, following the words hoseok would always say. 

Then you heard cheerful laughter. 


Hoseok was laughing but you saw tears in his eyes. 

"you are truly unbelievable y/n. thank you, I think I feel a little less sad about having to leave you all behind. Especially you, my precious little sunshine" hoseok spoke with tears in his eyes and you looked up at him but blurted out

"you're the sunshine here" then hoseok smiled again and began laughing

In seconds, the once monochrome hoseok suddenly had his color return to him. His once sad eyes filled with a sparkle of his normal dark brown eyes and he looked truly like a ray of sunshine

"IT'S PERFECT" the voice, the happy tone returned.

"it seems like the precious happiness is back. You are all PERFECT for my precious scenery. Especially you, hoseok. Here, a sign of a thank you for bringing such light to my scenery" you watched as the multicolored figure grabbed hoseoks wrist and suddenly there was a rainbow like crystal and bracelet attacked to hoseoks wrist. 

"well then, thank you for taking my trial" you were about to ask what the bracelets were but suddenly the bright multicolored trees sunk into the ground. The once sunset sky turned into another night sky filled with stars. 

Then the multicolored ground had been covered in...leaves. The leaves fell from the trees around you symbolizing a change to a fall season. But as you watched the leaves fall from the tree suddenly the trees leaves regrew and bright green leaves took the place of the leaves that had just fallen, suddenly it seemed to be summer almost. 

The trees kept changing like this over and over again. 

"we should rest" namjoon stated and no one wanted to argue. Especially considering namjoon himself still had a busted lip from his encounter with his own trial. 

Everyone set up on the grassy ground and laid down. You were all under a tree that again, kept changing from falling leaves to suddenly regrowing within seconds. You looked up at the tree as everyone laid down. 

"y/n come over here" you looked to he side seeing yoongi held his hand out to you and you walked over on your tiny legs. You crawled onto his hand knowing what he wanted

"yoongi I am way to tiny to play with your hair while you fall asleep" you chuckled out and yoongi simply grumbled

"it's fine, as long as your beside me I can fall asleep" you smiled lightly at his words and you cuddled into his palm and gently held onto his thumb. You heard the soft snore of the others as they were probably exhausted. 

You wondered how long you had been in this forest for. You had no sense to time considering how the day and night would change with the different scenery. Then again, you have yet to feel hungry and you wondered if that meant you hadn't been here very long. 

You sighed giving up on trying to figure out how this forest works and you decided to fall asleep. You closed your eyes watching as the leaves fell down. 

After a while you stirred from your sleep when you heard a voice. A very cold voice. 

"so it seems like you are very scared of change. Maybe that means you deserve to stay here where things are always changing"

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