29 ~ Home (moon)

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There was very few moments in life when you felt like this, when you felt like you needed to follow something so desperately. 

Some people might say you were out of your mind, but right now you knew that this was one of the rare moments in your life when you felt the need to follow. Like you knew something was waiting for you at the end.

So despite your tired state you ran.

Your heart stopped when the small flower seemed to slow its pace, like the wind was waiting for you. You looked up at the huge building in confusion. 

You took a few steps forwards seeing the large building was definitely a fancy one, the front door seemed to be locked and only allowed access to the workers of the building itself. You looked up seeing a bright sign but before you could read the sign properly you felt a large gust of wind.

You furrowed your eyebrows at the sudden gust of wind and looked at the front seeing the small pink flower had suddenly began moving again, you quickly followed it and your heart stopped when you realized it had entered into the side alleyway. 

You immediately felt panic set it not liking the small alleyway but suddenly the flower stopped and gently floated to the ground. You were about the reach and pick it up but the door right beside where the small flower had landed suddenly opened.

A woman wearing a black blazer had walked out and she was wearing a mask. The mask was plain and belonged in a masquerade ball. You watched as she took it off and then threw it on the ground

"I can't believe that they called me on my day off and they didn't even need me. They messed up the stupid work schedule. I'm new too" she huffed out angrily.

She walked by you and seemed to storm off. Your yes widened when you picked up the mask

"miss you left this-" but before you could finish speaking the door opened again and you turned around seeing a male this time. His black blazer was very similar to the girls who had just walked away.

"oh hey. It turns out that one of the workers couldn't make it today for the event. So you are needed, hurry up newbie" the male spoke and you were about to protest but a loud voice yelled

"WHERE ARE THE SERVERS WE NEED TO GET THE DRINKS OUT" the voice boomed through the door and the male grabbed your wrist and dragged you into the large fancy building. 

Before you could even comprehend what was going on suddenly a blazer was placed on you and the mask was placed on your face. Then a large tray was placed in your hand that was filled with drinks

"w-wait" but before you could tell them you definitely weren't a worker here you were shoved to a large door. It opened and suddenly you saw the most breathtaking ballroom. 

"hurry" the male spoke and he shoved you gently while you stumbled into the ballroom barely holding the drinks up.

"thank you" a female wearing a golden mask smiled as she took a drink from your tray.

Then another female approached her

"I'm so glad you came. Isn't this amazing. I can't believe they came up with this idea it's genius" she gushed out

"I know it is amazing. To think that a large piano company like this would hold a ball to sell their newest grand piano collect, it is brilliant" the woman replied

So this was a fancy company that sold high end pianos, now this made sense why this place was so huge.

You walked around as more people kept taking drinks off of your tray. You noticed the pianos set up around the ballroom and you smiled seeing the beautiful designs

Suddenly you heard soft music being played as someone began playing one of the many pianos.

"excuse me, would you like to dance" you turned to the side surprised to see a male with black hair. He wore a simple black suit and he wore the most beautiful mask you had seen yet. You looked at him confused and spoke

"oh I-" but before you could finish he gently grabbed the tray from your hands and placed it on one of the many the tables set up around the ballroom.

He gently grabbed your hand and placed his hand on your waist

"sorry but I'm trying to escape" he said softly when he began dancing with you. You looked behind him to see many girls staring at him and you chuckled realizing he was trying to escape the girls clearly trying to get his attention

"well it seems like you are famous" you laughed out

"well everyone here knows who I am, but it seems like you don't" he said while you felt nervous realizing you may have been caught, he might know you don't actually work here

"well..." you said nervously.

Then your eyes fell on the large piano only a few steps away from you as you swayed to the music with the random stranger. 

A large moon was carved beautifully into the piano. It was breathtaking, suddenly you were reminded of a special someone. The one who made your heart race, the one who made you realize why you had suddenly started to love the moon so much...

It was because you knew he would always ask you to see it with him. Whenever the full moon came out you could spend time with the person you loved. 

Your eyes prickled with tears

Then you heard soft humming from the person you were dancing with. The familiar melody made your heart stop. 

The same melody you used to sing when you were with him. When you would have to stay with him and talk to him until he fell asleep, sometimes you would hum the soft melody. 

"you know I'm disappointed you didn't recognize me, I knew it was you right away." the soft voice made tears fall from your eyes while you stopped dancing

His hand reached up while he gently took off your mask. 

"I knew I would see you again. I just knew it. After namjoon had figured out the bracelets would allow us to stay on earth I ran here right away hoping to see you again" he said softly while you reached up and gently took his mask of as well

"y-yoongi" your heart swelled when you saw a familiar gummy smile

"finally, I found you" he said while you hugged him tightly

"I love you yoongi" you said and yoongi immediately pulled away from the hug

"w-what" he was blushing brightly and you smiled at him, tears still filled your eyes while you giggled. You noticed the banner hanged up in the ballroom and smiled seeing the words.

welcome to the moon company masquerade 

"you named your company 'moon', it really must be the thing you love the most on earth" you chuckled out and yoongis face was still slightly red but he quickly held your hand

"no, there is definitely something I love more. I love you y/n" your face went bright red, you blushed while yoongi smiled.

Then he leaned in and kissed you.

Your heart felt like it was going to burst, yoongi pulled away from the kiss and he smiled

"you know the others are going to freak out when they see you"

"the others came" you said surprised and yoongi laughed. 

"yeah, come on. Lets go home, I'm tired of this party" yoongi grabbed your hand and you saw his bright smile once again. You laughed, he was still as lazy as ever

"yeah...let's go home" you smiled while gently gripping his hand.

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