6 ~ Pocket Sized

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Your eyes closed as a bright light covered your vision. Then you were met with a soft breeze. You slowly opened your eyes and you were surprised to see light, it was morning all of the sudden. 

You looked around confused, but you froze when you saw that there was green surrounding you completely. But...the green blades of grass were up to your calf. You looked around in confusion until a loud voice screamed 

"WHAT, WHERE DID YOU GO. I SWEAR I JUST PULLED SOMEONE THROUGH THE PORTAL" you followed the voice and your mouth flew open. 

There was a large fountain a few feet away from you. The fountain was glowing and there stood a giant. He was so tall, not just 'oh that guys must be like over six feet' it was more like 'oh I'm literally the size of that guys hand' tall.

You froze as you tried to speak "hello" you called out but your voice seemed to be too small for the guy to hear especially since he was yelling loudly. Then in an instant seven bodies flew out of the fountain and landed with a thud on the ground "you guys are here finally" the unknown male who you assumed pulled you into the fountain earlier spoke

"Y/N" jungkook scream with wide eyes while looking around. 

"WHERE DID YOU PUT HER YOU IDIOT" the normally more shy jimin was shaking the unknown males shoulders aggressively. 

"seriously where is she you team four idiot" yoongi seethed out angrily and you moved your little legs as fast as you could trying to approach the group. Your feet carried you only so far when the man screamed "what are you talking about, stop shaking me" he yelled towards jimin. 

"where is she jinyoung" namjoon looked panicked and you were huffing from running being only a shorter distance closer to the group, you tried to scream again but before you could a foot almost stepped right on you. You quickly rolled out of the way and almost passed out from fear

"YOU ALMOST KILLED ME" you screamed out your small voice seemed to be heard and jungkook looked down his mouth flying open. You finally understood how scared jungkook must have been why you almost crushed him the first time you met. 

Jungkook stuttered out "g-guys y/n. Look" her pointed to the grass your small figure standing there and jimin rushed over and quickly scooped you up in his hand. He brought you up in his hands to eye level and everyone stared at you intensely. 

Then the male, who you now knew was named jinyoung spoke "holy shit why is she so small" you felt like you definitely heard that from somewhere but before you could think about it further jin looked at you closely. Darn, even thought he was a giant, or more like you shrunk, he still had no flaws up close. 

"WHAT DO WE DO" taehyung was in full on panic mode. 

Taehyung scooped you up into his hand taking you from jimin and he looked at you with big teary eyes. 

"relax tae, I'm sure it's just because y/n is from earth which means she doesn't have any magic so she shrunk coming here" nmajoon said logically while taehyung brought you up to his face and he pouted. 

Up close he was still adorable, even though he could probably eat you if he wanted to

"my poor y/n what should we do" jin said distressed as he took you away from taehyung and he gently held you in his hands. You sighed while you flopped down and sat in his hand trying to process what had just happened to you. 

"this sucks" you said finally realizing that it was now you this time...

You were pocket sized. 

You huffed while hoseok smiled while approaching you as you sat in jins hand

"you look so cute though" hoseok gushed in happiness. 

"TEAM ONE ARE YOU CRAZY" you jumped slightly in shock while you turned your head to see jinyoung screaming. He looked panicked while he began pacing around the large fountain that brought you here. 

"you...you guys can't just bring a being from another world here without talking to the king and queen. Are you guys INSANE. Now I'm going to get in trouble for helping you bring her here too..but" jinyoung looked at you with an intense stare and he seemed like he went a little crazy. 

You froze not liking the look on his face

"but...but if I just throw you back in now I won't be in trouble" you screamed when jinyoung rushed over and jin immediately moved his hand to his chest protecting you. 

"NO WAY JINYOUNG. You have no idea what could happen to her if we throw her back in at this size" he screamed out and your eyes widened when you heard jinyoungs next words

"but if the portal closes I can't get it back open without royal permission" then in a flash you saw the glowing fountain fade until there was nothing but plain water. 

You just missed your only way home.

"what are we going to do, how am I going to get home" you screamed out while jinyoung sighed

"you guys are always causing trouble. Well it seems like you will just have to travel back to the castle and discuss with the king and queen what happened here. I'm heading there first" jinyoung sighed and his hand glowed before he was gone. 

You groaned and pinched the bridge of your nose. 

This was way too much. King, queens, closed portals, everything was too much. 

"well I guess we should go then, I'm sure they will be understanding" you said softly and yoongi sighed heavily

"fine, let's go then" yoongi spoke and the light sparked from his hands but then it suddenly faded. You looked at him questionably thinking yoongi would simply teleport everyone there but something seemed wrong

"my magic isn't working" yoongi seemed panicked and jimin spoke "let me try" then, just like yoongi, the light appeared in jimins hand momentarily but quickly faded. The others panicked and tried as well but their powers weren't working at all. 

"well we can just walk then" you said simply realizing this wasn't going to get you guys anywhere. 

Namjoon walked over and gently took you from jins hands. You were confused as he lifted his hand high and you could see past the large forest covering the area you were in. 

Then, past miles and miles of forest you saw a few pointy edges from a building. 

The castle was VERY far away

"THIS SUCKS" you screamed

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