Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Damon's POV

"You know what? We haven't thought about what happens if neither of us wins the bet," I elbow Keith in the side. We were sitting on our couch playing Xbox with Tucker watching the flat screen from the ground.

I, personally, had thought about what would happen if neither of us won, but couldn't come up with anything so I thought I'd just ask my brother.

"I haven't thought much into it since we both know I'm going to win," I heard the smirk in Keith's cocky voice. I rolled my eyes with a huff.

"Listen, man," I say pausing the game, making Keith glare at me. "Sara isn't going for either of us. She has no absolutely no reason to be interested in you- you're a jerk and a senior- no offense- and she has no reason to be interested in me either- for the same reasons despite our age. I mean, she's not stupid enough to let us get to her. I say we just call off the bet."

"I understand what you're getting at, but that doesn't mean I'm giving up," Keith scoffs. "And if neither of us wins, nothing happens. We leave things be."

I nod in agreement before un-pausing the video game and focus my eyes back to the screen. Maybe I should give up. I mean, if Keith keeps going, but doesn't succeed, then what's the point in trying anymore? Maybe I could make a truce with Sara so she didn't have the urge to kill me every time we we're two feet of each other.

I pushed the thought to the back of my mind for now and set the goal to beat my brother's ass at Call of Duty for now. That shouldn't me too hard.


"Oh it's so great to be back at school again," I say sarcastically.

"Dude, we were here yesterday," Keith gave me a weird look.

"It's felt like a while," I say, looking off into the distance for a dramatic effect.

"Again, less than twenty-four hours ago."

I glanced over at Keith who had a deadpan expression on his face. I smacked him upside the back of his head causing his face to morph into a hard glare, making me laugh.

"That's what I'm going to do to you every time you make that face at me," I promised, with a grin. He just kept his angry expression as we walked to the school. When we finally got to our crowd, I looked over to where Sara was standing to see her with Terrance, Olivia, and Tucker. They were laughing and talking- they looked happy, and a part of me wanted that.

I sighed before turning to my brother, muttering, "Hey, I'll be back."

Before he could respond, I weaved my way through the other groups of people to where the four of them were all standing. When I got there, for some reason my heart rate had sped up greatly and my breath had came out faster than usual. Am I out of shape?

"What do you want?" Terrance automatically squeezed Sara closer to his side. Sara on the other hand didn't look as angry as she did confused.

"I just wanted to talk to Sara, if that's okay," I said calmly. A look of surprise crossed all of their faces, except for Terrance who kept up the tough 'don't touch my girlfriend' look.

"It's not okay. You have no-"

"Terrance, it's fine," Sara's voice interrupted him before he could probably curse me out. "Damon should know by now that I'm putting up with his stupid shit, so drop it."

Now it was my turn to look surprised at Sara, mostly since she hadn't tried to punch my face yet. I nod over to a quieter spot of the school courtyard and walk, looking back to make sure she follows.

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