Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

Olivia's POV

After I got home, I was greeted by my brother, Jonas. He had been gone on 'business'- if that's what you call modeling. I always expected him home, unlike my parents who were rarely home.

"Hey, lil sis!" Jonas picked me up in a bone crushing hug, making me giggle. "How is the new school working out for ya?"

"Good actually," I nod, receiving a raised eyebrow. "I've made two friends and they're really all I need. What about you, thing one? Speaking of who, where is thing two?"

"I'm right here, dork!" Jack's voice come from the kitchen. He walked out with his arms full of food and I couldn't help but scowl. These two could eat so much and still be able to model. Of course they couldn't tell their manager that.

"You're the one talking, four eyes?" Jonas glared at his twin. The one thing we always teased Jack about was his terrible sight. His was the worst in the family and he was too lazy to wear contacts, so he stuck with glasses.

"Shut up, birdbrain. I wasn't talking to you," Jack taunted. Of course Jonas also had a weakness and it was his IQ. I guess you could say that when it came to the twins, one had brain and the other had brawn.

"Stop it! I just got home and you two are already fighting," I groaned. "You guys are almost twenty are you not?"

"Next week," Jack says with a slight smirk. "One year away from legal drinking."

"Yeah because we don't drink illegally already," Jonas mutters. "Sometimes I wonder if you're really all that smart, Jack."

Jack was about to say something back but I interrupted, "Okay! I'm going upstairs to do my homework. Just make sure you're arguing and cussing is to a minimum, will ya?"

"Yes, ma," they muttered, exaggerating the Chicago accent we had inherited. I couldn't help but laugh as I left them to do whatever it is they do.

I dumped my backpack on the floor when I got to my room and 'super maned' onto my bed, landing with a grunt. Not two minutes after that my phone made the text tone sound making me groan. I mean really? I just laid down.

I reluctantly sat up and walked over to my backpack, pulling my phone from the side pocket. I looked at my screen which read,

'Tucker The Sexy <3:
Hey, Olivia. How's it going?'

I smile down at my phone as I reply.

'Olivia (:
It's going well :) how about you?'

This was such small talk it wasn't even funny.

'Tucker The Sexy:
I'm doing okay. Can't wait for our date tomorrow night! :)'

'Olivia (:
Neither can I! I guess I'll see you tomorrow then'
Tucker The Sexy:
Alright, sweet cheeks, see you then'

I had a huge smile on my face once I turned off my phone. I'm sure I was blushing like an idiot or red as a tomato.

I nearly jump off my bed when I heard a voice behind me.

"Why are you redder than Valentine's Day?" Jonas's voice asks in front of me.

"Gah! You guys have me a damn heart attack!" I squeaked, putting my hand to my chest. These two boys, oh my goodness.

"Cool. Who were you texting?" Jack pushes on, standing with his arm crossed like his twin.

"Nobody," I groaned standing up to grab some night clothes so I could shower.

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