Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

I wake up to a knock at my bedroom door. I push the covers off of me and drag my feet towards the door. I open it to find Terrance. I observe his features, which are still sleepy, his brown hair ruffled and his green eyes tired.

"Hey, Terr," I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Hey, Sara," he says back, stretching with a yawn.

"Is there something you need? You kind of woke me up."

"Oh! Yeah, it's seven twenty five," he says.

My eyes widen. I have less than thirty minutes to get ready and drop off Madeline at the Willis'! I run to my closet and grab a tight fitting black crop top, a black plaid button up shirt, and jean shorts. I close the door and change into the outfit and out on some maroon converse I've had for awhile.

I go to the bathroom to fix my hair. I decide on leaving it down and wavy, before brushing my teeth and running back to my room and waking up Madeline. I rush to get her ready and when I check the time, it's seven thirty-five. I grab my back pack and go to the living room where Terrance is sitting.

"Hey, Terr, I'm leaving," I say. He waves me over and I walk over.

"I can take care of Madeline, S," he says, kissing my cheek.

"Okay. Thank you so much, I'll see you after school!" I say, running out the door.

I speed walk to school today and when I check my phone, it reads seven forty-five. I take a deep breathe and relax, seeing I have a good fifteen minutes and I have about a five minute walk left.

Five minutes later, I'm at school. I walk through the groups of students again to get in the school. I walk to my locker to find Damon waiting there already. I roll my eyes and clench my teeth remembering what his brother did yesterday. I ignore him as I open my locker and put my things I don't need in it. I close it and turn to leave, but Damon grabs my arm, turning me to face him.

"So, Sara. Did you decide whether you'll be going on that date with me tonight?" he asks.

"Yes, I have actually," I say through clenched teeth. I can't believe the nerve on this guy.


"No. I'm not going on a date with you. Not in a million years," I say, yanking my arm away and trying to walk away, but he just grabs me again. "I swear, if you touch me again, I will hurt you."

"What is up with you? Yesterday, when I asked you out, you didn't seem like such a b i t c h. Why are you now?" he asks, releasing my arm.

"I thought you were actually going to act like a sane human being, Damon, but no. You had to have your brother beat the shit out of my best friend," I growl. His eyes widen as my words sink in.

"Sara, I-"

"No. Don't say another word to me. Ever. Don't touch me, don't talk to me, I don't want you to have anything to do with me. Stay away from me, Damon." I'm about to walk away, but I turn to him again, "And if you or Keith ever touch Terrance again, I will hurt you so bad, you won't want to live another day."

I walk away away with clenched fists and my nostrils flaring. I need to let off steam, but I can't. I wish I could punch Damon and Keith, but I don't need a detention or better yet, expulsion.

I sit down in check-in and put my head down on the desk, knowing this would be a s h i t t y day.

When I got to English, I sat next to Olivia.
"Hey, boo! How have you been?" she asks enthusiastically.

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