Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

Damon's POV

I walk out of the closet, watching Sara walk out of the school exit, slamming the door open. I ran a hand through my hair, trying to get it fixed a little bit before grabbing my backpack from the closet and walking to class.

"Ah, Mr. Monroe! So you decided to join us?" The teacher asked, raising her eyebrows with a sarcastic expression. "Well at least you remembered to zip up your zipper."

I glare at her before walking to the back of the classroom, ignoring the few snickers I had received. I took a seat next to Tucker.

"Hey, man," he says. Once he notices my facial expression, he looks at me confused. "What's up with you?"

"I kind of kissed, Sara," I mutter.

"Finally!" Tucker whisper yells. I look over at him with a dangerous glare. "I mean, what?" He fakes surprise which makes me only glare harder.

"Gentlemen! I'd appreciate if you would shut the hell up! Thanks!" The teacher returns to her writing on the board and lecture. Tucker and I look back at each other and laugh. We had finally broke the teacher's streak of not telling her students to 'shut the hell up'.

"This isn't finished," Tucker says. I roll my eyes and turn my attention to the front of the classroom, zoning out as the teacher continues to rant, and my mind wanders back to Sara.

Sara's POV

I felt relief once I reached home. My mind was racing from the kiss with Damon, and I had really no idea on how I felt about it. You'd think that I'd be super pissed, but there was something good that I felt inside, and I just couldn't put my finger on it. I could have swore my lips were still tingling.

"Stop," I say as I stop walking. "It was a kiss, nothing more, Sara. Nothing more."

As I stepped into my room, I dropped my bag off of my shoulder and began unwrapping my hand to let it air out. Hopefully, it'd be healed up soon. I plop down on my bed, letting out a heavy breath.

What had I gotten myself into? With bumping into Damon Monroe last semester, then getting a boyfriend and making a friend or two. You'd think that would be good, but it was the complete opposite for me. I wouldn't be where I am right now. I'd be the same anti-social chick at our school that everyone was curious about. Things were much easier then, and took a less emotional toll on me.

With nothing to do, I decided to take a shower in attempts to relax. Once the hot water hit my skin, I felt physical relief. I washed off, breathing in the scent of my vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner.

After I shut the water off, I towel off, wrapping a towel around my body and one in my hair. I walk to my closet, grabbing a pair of baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt, as well as some underwear, before going back into the bathroom to get dressed. When I let the towel drop, I couldn't help but let my eyes snap to the scars on my stomach. They were completely healed up now, but they obviously stood out a lot on my skin. My fingers traced the odd shapes they had carved into me. Those people, who tried and failed to kill me were probably still out there, and I was hopeless against them. Hell, they almost found, me until Damon saved me.

Damon. How did he even know where I was? There was no idea in my mind that could give me a clue as to how Damon knew about those people that were out to get me.

I get dressed and wrap my hand, before I put on some shoes and walk over to the Willis' house to pick up Madeline.

"Oh, hello, Sara!" Mrs. Willis says cheerfully as she opens the door. "What are you doing here so early?"

"I, uh, wasn't feeling well," I sigh as she invites me inside.

"Oh, dear. Are you gonna be okay, hon? Would you like some tea?"

"Tea would be nice," I reply with a smile, seeing that I was in no rush. I heard Madeline's voice responding to the tv in the other room and I couldn't help but smile. I felt bad since she had been over here a lot more. I knew she liked being here, but I should've been here for her instead of being around on my own. I walk into the living room to see her sitting in front of the tv, looking up at it in awe as Dora and the monkey-child jump around like maniacs on the tv.

"Madeline," I say, trying to get her attention. She turns her head and a huge smile lights up her features.

"Sara!" She exclaims before standing up and running to give me a tight hug around the waist.

"How are you, baby?" I ask, leaving over to hug her back.

"I'm good! Dora and Boots are trying to get back to her house for her birthday party! Do you want to watch with me?"

"That sounds like fun," I try to be as enthusiastic as possible. "How about we do it at home though?"

"But why?" She whines. I give her the look which straightens her up real quick.

"I'm going to have some tea with Mrs. Willis, so you can watch it for a little longer, but when I say it's time to go, we're leaving, alright?"

"Okay," she says, before sitting down in front of the TV again. I walk back to the kitchen to find Mrs. Willis sitting on the stool with two cups of tea in her hand.

"I know sickness when I see it, hon, and you're not sick," she says, setting my tea down and patting the stool next to her. "You want to tell me what's really going on?"

I sit down on the stool and take the mug of tea in my hands. "I'm having guy problems, generally speaking."

"Oh?" She raises her eyebrows and I take a sip the hot tea. "Was it that one guy you've been dating lately?"

"Terrance? Oh, well, yes he has been part of the problem."


"Yeah. We broke up this week," I say, nodding slowly. My cup of tea had suddenly became a very interesting sight to me as I avoided Mrs. Willis' gaze.

"I'm sorry to hear that, dear. What else has been buggin' ya?"

"It's more like who else," I mutter to myself. "This guy, he- well Terrance broke up with me because of him and then he kissed me today! And I have no idea how I feel about that because I'm mad at him, but I felt something when he kissed me and I just haven't been able to stop thinking about it."

I peek at Mrs. Willis to find that she's smiling at me with a look of sympathy. "Oh dear me, that is quite a lad," she chuckles. "Audacious. They're always the best, of course- I mean look at Mr. Willis. Honey, I think it's obvious that he really likes you."

"I'm sure he doesn't," I reply. "He's the type to sleep around with every single girl, and I think I'm the only one who hasn't."

"Oh, but dear, I'm almost positive that he likes you, especially if Terrance saw him as a threat before. How do you really feel about him, Sara?"

I pondered it much to my surprise. I honestly didn't know how I should have felt. Maybe I was blinded by the anger I had shown towards him all this time, and there was something there that I haut didn't want to see.

"I don't have feelings for him, Mrs. Willis," I say quietly, not even looking her in the eye. "Thank you for the tea. I think Madeline and I should be going."

I stand up, leaving the half drank tea on the bar with Mrs. Willis, and go to Madeline.

"Bye, Mrs. and Mr. Willis!" Madeline says as we walk out of the door. I close it behind us and take Madeline's hand in mine as we walk to our house.

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