Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Sara's POV

The rest of the week moved along without too much pain, whether it be physical or emotional. I had seen Terrance in all of my classes, but I'd just ignore him. Every time he saw me he'd give me a small, sad smile, but I'd just keep my expression emotionless and walk to my old favorite place at the back of class. Damon has tried to approach me, but every attempt on his part was feeble and pointless. He could 'protect me' all he wanted, but that didn't mean we were just going to be best friends, especially after all the things he's taken away from me.

On Friday, I was walking to my locker when I saw Damon leaning against it. I roll my eyes and decide that I'd just have to ignore him. When I get to my locker, he steps aside, but continues to stand there.

"Look, Sara, I'm sorry," he says softly. I don't respond, grabbing my books and putting them in my locker. "What did you do to your hand?" His eyebrows furrow in confusion as he looks at my wrapped hand.

"None of your business," I mutter.

"We talked about this."

"No, actually, you talked about 'this', but nice try."

Damon sighs in exasperation. "You have every right to be mad but-"

"No," I almost yell, cutting I'm off. "There are no 'buts' in it for you, because you have basically ruined the goodness in life I found, Damon. You don't get to give me your side of the story and you don't get to ask for mine. Just accept the fact that you've messed up, and move on."

Before he says anything, I slam my locker and walk to check-in. I was still buzzing with angry tension when the bell for first period rang. I guess it was because I knew I'd have to see him again in basically the rest of my classes.

Damon would approach me and I'd ignore him every time, basically telling him to get lost before I hurt him. We basically did this until lunch, and even then he tried to approach me.

As I walk towards first period after lunch, I suddenly feel myself get yanked to the side. My eyes were useless in the darkness as I began to panic, then the light was flicked on. My eyes meet Damon's and the anger in me started to grow and grow.

"What the fuck?" I yell. His hands comes over my mouth and he shushes me. I bite his hand making him pull back and glare at me. "What the hell are you trying to do here? I've already told you that I'm not-"

"Let me talk!" He growls, cutting me off. "Dammit, Sara, you have to let me talk."

"No, I don't. Damon, I'm done with whatever this is between us, so just-"

My words were caught in my throat when Damon's lips landed on mine and his hands were on my face, pulling me towards him. I tried my hardest to fight it, but my body responded differently, and I began to kiss him back. My mind eventually pushed away the fact that I was mad at him my lips moved against his desperately, my hands running through his hair as I pulled him closer.

No! Stop it, Sara!

I pull away quickly, dropping my hands from their place behind his head. "No."

"Sara, I didn't mean to-"

"Yes, you did!" I was livid. Now I was seeing red. "You did mean to do that, Damon, because before all of that apology crap you gave me, you were trying to seduce me. Newsflash, hon, you're not getting anything from me."

I yank open the closet door and storm out. My mind was racing and I couldn't seem to make myself go to class, so I decided on going home. With my back pack still hitched on my shoulder, I walk out of the school.

Damon's POV

"Let me talk!" I say, frustrated. "Dammit, Sara, you have to let me talk."

"No, I don't. Damon, I'm done with whatever this is between us, so just-"

It was almost as if I wasn't in control of my body when I leaned forward and kissed her, my hands cupping her face to make sure she didn't pull away. Sara fought me before she eventually melted and kissed me back. I had felt the spark the minute my lips touched her's, but the feeling of her kissing me back just sent me over edge.

Her hands were running through my hair when something had snapped in her and she pulled away from me.

"No," she mutters almost to herself as she backs away from me slowly.

"Sara, I didn't mean to-"

"Yes, you did! You did mean to do that, Damon, because before all of that apology crap you gave me, you were trying to seduce me. Newsflash, hon, you're not getting anything from me," her mouth was racing at ninety-nine miles per hour. I watched her grab the door handle and yank open the door, leaving me to my thoughts.

I had kissed Sara and I loved the feeling of it. There was something there that I had never felt before and now a part of me still desired it. A part of me knew I couldn't give up now. I was going to get Sara Lloyd.

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