Chapter 45

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Chapter Forty-Five

A/N: This is the last chapter of TSF, guys! I can't believe it's already finished!! Hope you guys were happy with this book and that this book doesn't damage your feels too much...

-Kyleigh <3


Finals were finally over; school was out for the summer. That meant that I got more time to spend with Sara at the hospital. I still had yet to wake up from this nightmare, but I wasn't giving up on Sara.

"We'll follow you there," Tucker nods, wrapping his arm around Olivia's shoulder. Olivia had been so depressed the past week, not that I could blame her since we all were. It just felt awful not seeing a single smile on her face- she used to always smile.

I got into my car and drove to the hospital, Tucker driving right behind me. We all walk up to the hospital, a sad silence being held the entire walk to Sara's room. As we approached, I see that Joshua was standing outside of the door, and I couldn't help but get a bad feeling about it.

"Joshua," I call as we draw near. "What's going on?"

When he looked up at me, his eyes were red with fresh tears falling down his cheek. The only response I got was him shaking his head as he walked to me and embraced me. "She's gone, Damon," he whispered. I pulled away from him, my eyes wide as the muscles in my body tense and my heart beat stops.

"Is she-" I point to the door, not trusting my voice anymore. He just nods and I feel my feet carry me to the door, opening it. There she was- IVs no longer attached, no air support, and a shut off heart monitor. Her face was just as calm and serene as if she were sleeping.

I slowly made my way to her, throat clenching and my vision beginning to blur. When I reached her, I took Sara's limp hand in mine, feeling no warmth or response that I had hoped I'd feel again. Her skin was pale, the bruises had faded, and there were only scratches left behind. Her lips were parted as if they hadn't moved from when she took her last breath of air.

I dropped to my knees by her side, no longer holding back the tears or the sobs. Gone. Gone. That's the only word I could've formed. Sara had finally given up the fight, and now I was left to live without her. Flashbacks of her smile, the way she'd look at me when I teased her about something, how she'd get shy whenever I bragged about her. I miss those things. I miss her.

"I'm so sorry, baby," I sobbed, as I rested my forehead on her hand. "You didn't deserve this."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to see Tucker, cheeks tear streaked. "I never told her," I whispered, rubbing my thumb over her cold skin. "Maybe if I had told her, she would've gotten away quick enough. She might still be breathing."

"Don't do this to yourself," Tucker croaked, shaking his head. "Bringing yourself down won't help any-"

"Bringing myself down?" I scoff. "There's nothing left that's still standing, Tucker. I have nothing left now."

"You have me," Tucker's voice was stronger than it had been the last week. "And you have Olivia. We're still here, Damon, and in your heart, you'll always have Sara. She loved you Damon, and you loved her- that's something you should always keep in mind when you think of her." I just shook my head, standing to my feet and hugging him. Tucker hugged back with the same strong grip, patting my back. "We're going to be okay, Damon. It's just going to take time."

"And a hell of a lot of it," I whispered. Another pair of arms wrapped round Tucker and I. By the height, I could tell it was Olivia. "The three of us will get through this," she whispered, her voice cracking. "We have to."

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