Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

Terrance's POV

Sara hadn't been at school so I was hanging out with my football team a lot. Olivia had sat with Tucker at our table which was wasn't a problem for me since the guys had their own table.

When I texted her and she actually replied, Sara said she was really sick and wouldn't be back until next week more than likely. I hoped so. I really missed her being here and I had been all by myself in my classes.

"So, Terrance," a guy from my team named Noah trailed off. "What's up with your girlfriend? She hasn't been here all week."

I roll my eyes. These idiots have been teasing me about Sara since Saturday, which was the last day I saw her.

"She texted me and told me she was sick. I was planning on paying her a visit today after school," I say, pushing my food around with my plastic fork. I wasn't planning on visiting her since I didn't want to disturb her while she was sick.

After that, they dropped it and moved on to talking about their lay the night before or a movie they wanted to watch tomorrow, which is Friday.


After school, I grabbed the keys to my Jeep from my locker and put on my jacket before making my way out to the parking lot.

Leaning up against my car was Damon. I scowled in part confusion and annoyance as I got closer to my car.

"Can I help you, Damon?" I ask, unlocking my car.

"No. I just wanted to ask you whether you knew where Sara was?" He says. A sort of anger began to rise in me.

"She's sick," I said eyeing him from head to toe. "Since when did you actually care about Sara?"

"What's it to you?" Damon retorts back, getting off my car. "Do you actually care about her?"

"Why the hell wouldn't I? You don't know anything about me," I growl through gritted teeth.

"Well I can tell you're not the type to stick with one girl for long."

"Takes one to know one, asshole," I retort. Damon glares at me, stepping forward.

"So you really don't care for her?" He raises an eyebrow.

"You know people can change, right?" I squint at him. "Well, you probably wouldn't know, having that birdbrain of your's."

His nostrils flared and I did a mental pat on the back. Damon just turned and walked away, leaving me alone to get in my car.

Maybe I should pay Sara a visit.
Sara's POV

I was in my bed with Joshua's wife, Tammy, sitting on the edge of the bed next to me. I had told her about Terrance and I. She would just sigh and say how she was so grateful for her love.

"You know, Sara, how Joshua and I met right?" Tammy's sweet voice asked.

"No. Joshua never told me," I say. I get comfortable as I sensed a story coming on.

"Well, Joshua lived in the dorm across from mine in college," Tammy looked down as she played with the ring on her finger. "Our dorm mates were a couple and they wanted us to go out on a few dates since neither one of us was really taken at the time. So, we did. When we would go on our dates, he'd do the cheesiest things to make me laugh. He always said that my laugh was like the sound of angels, which was pretty cheesy and made me laugh more. Anyway, after we had been together for a year, he got me a promise ring which I have in my jewelry box and said that once he got more money, he'd buy me a marriage ring. Now, his family wasn't exactly wealthy as you know, so my father wasn't fond of him, and his mother wasn't fond of me."

"So it's one of those Romeo and Juliet love stories," I chuckle. She nods with a blush.

"Well, my mother was actually fond of Joshua, so she secretly lent him the money and he bought the engagement ring. After our two years together, he proposed. He really is my soulmate and I know you'll know when you find the one. Whether it's Terrance or someone else, you'll know, hon."

I nodded to her and she kissed my hair after patting my hand. For some reason I didn't like the thought of Terrance not being my soulmate. It kind of hurt to think that I couldn't have him all to myself, call it selfish desire if you want.

"Do you want some painkillers, hon?" She asks. I simply nod, receiving a nod back before she walks out the door.

Once she's gone, the doorbell rings. I furrow my eyebrows to myself in confusion as I hear Tammy open the door.

"You're Terrance?" I hear Tammy's voice and my eyes widen slightly. "Well come on in, hon."

I pulled my covers over my abdomen once I heard footsteps approach and I pulled off my best sick expression. Terrance stepped into the doorway, knocking on the wall.

"How are you feeling, babe?" Terrance asked as he stepped towards my bed. He was wearing a beanie that hung off of his head slightly, jeans, a brown jacket and converse.

"I'll live," I say. My head had came up with so many sarcastic phrases once I said that- like one being 'You'll live being scarred, literaly'.

"Well that's reassuring," Terrance mutters, sitting on the edge of my bed. "What's wrong with you?"

"Stomach ache," I say quickly. For real though.

Terrance nods. He looks at my night stand and sees a pill bottle of ibuprofen. "Really bad stomach ache Huh?"

"Yeah," I nod. "My uncle Joshua won't let me go to school until next week so."

"Yeah, I understand. I've missed you a lot, Sara," he says looking me deep in the eye.

"I've missed you, too," and I wish I could tell you the truth.

Terrance leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. In that moment I didn't care if Terrance just decided it was legit to kiss a sick person, even though I'm not legitimately sick.

I kissed him back just as gently as he had kissed me and felt his hand on the back of my neck pull me up to him, making my abdomen fold in the process. I pulled away from the kiss to mutter an ouch.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," Terrance says, making sure I lay back down. "I got carried away, I guess."

"It's okay, Terr," I smile up at him. His frown melts away before its replaced with a smile.

"Well I guess I'll see you next week, then?" He asks, standing up from the bed. I nod and blow him a kiss, which he blows right back jokingly before walking out of the room.

Once I knew he was gone, I lifted up my shirt and say a little bit of a blood on the gauze. I called for Tammy and she came in, looking down at my abdomen.

"What did you do- try to jump his bones?" She asked. I shook my head sputtering a laugh, despite the pain. "Then what?"

"Well we were- Uh hugging- and I bent too much so I guess that's why it's bleeding."

"Hugging? My ass," she muttered as she walked away to get the gauze. She came back and told me to stand up. I did so and she lifted up my shirt so that she should wrap the gauze around my abdomen. "Now, no 'hugging' boys for a while, yeah?" Tammy smiled at me once she had finished. I just blushes and got back in bed to rest a little, even though tags what I had been doing for the past week.

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