Chapter 35

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Chapter Thirty-Five

Damon drove me home after school got out and I had invited him to stay and hang out at the house for awhile. We were currently sitting on the couch, my head resting on his chest as we watched Madeline draw in her coloring book, savoring the feeling of each other's close proximity.

"Look, Damon," Madeline gets up, book in hand as she sits next to him and points to her art work.

"That's awesome, Maddie," Damon chuckles, offering a hand for her to high five which gladly hits with a big smile. She made her way back to the floor, laying on her stomach as she continued to color.

"You're so sweet," I coo, pinching his cheek, which makes him rolls his eyes and swat my hand away. The doorbell suddenly rings, causing the two of us to freeze.

Damon stood up, walking to the door with me trailing behind, looking through the peephole. He opens the door after he pushes me behind him, shielding the visitor from seeing.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" Joshua's voice demanded in a low growl. I push past Damon, hurrying to make sure there wasn't a fight between the two of them.

"This is Damon, Joshua," I say calmly, reassuring him that everything's fine. Tammy was standing behind him, a look of confusion on her face before it changed quickly to a smile.

"Well let's not just stand here," Tammy says cheerfully. I lean against Damon, giving him the sign to back up from in front of the door so that they can come in. We close the front door.

"I don't think we've been formally introduced," Joshua's voice is completely void of emotion. "Who are you?"

"I'm Damon Monroe, sir," Damon's look told me that he knew that Joshua was somewhat of a father figure to me.

"You look familiar," Joshua says, crossing his arms. "Weren't you the one who kept bothering Sara?"

I blush hard and shoot a glare at Joshua. "That was last semester, Joshua, things have changed."

"Obviously," he mutters. Tammy smacks the back of his head, making him wince and look back at his wife briefly before turning back to Damon . "Well, I'm Joshua, Sara's uncle."

"It's nice to meet you, sir," Damon says, holding out his hand to shake Joshua's, who reluctantly does so since he probably doesn't want to get another hit from his wife.

"Oh goodness, I forgot to ask," Tammy smiles, hugging me. "How have you been, hon?"

"I've been great," I laugh, hugging her back. "What about you? How is the baby?"

"They are good," Tammy grins at my surprised expression.

"Twins?" My jaw drops.

"Hm," she trails off. "How does triplets sound?"

I gasp, hugging her again as I laugh with joy. "Honestly, it sounds like a handful and expensive."

They shake their heads. "Well, they wouldn't be as much as a handful if," Tammy trails off, looking over at her husband. "You do it, Josh."

Joshua rolls his eyes but smiles. "Sara, would you like to be their godmother?"

I feel a slight sting in my eyes and realize that I was tearing up. "Oh gosh, yes." We all laugh and I feel Damon wraps and arm around my shoulder and kissed the top of my head.

"We wanted to give you the news in person," Tammy says. "I'm just really happy to see you. Where's the munchkin I call my niece?"

I point toward the living room. My aunt and uncle walk into the living room and I hear the joyful conversation between the three of them.

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