Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

On Monday morning, Tammy woke me up from a deep sleep. You'd think I'd dread going to school that day, but I was the complete opposite. My cuts weren't hurting as much and I'd gotten tired of laying around all day. I mean, who wouldn't? Sure laying around sounds like the life, but I haven't 'laid around' since my mom and dad were here. I found out that adult hood won't allow me to lay around since someone has to support the family, being Madeline and me.

I got dressed into a pair of skinny jeans, a long sweater- believe it or not, I like sweaters- and a pair of matching converse.

Madeline had been at the Willis' house who didn't seem the least bit upset about it. The people couldn't go one second without trying to spoil my sister since they were practically her grandparents. Hopefully I could pick her up and being her home today.

I slung my back pack over my shoulder and walked out the door, locking it behind me. I began my walk on the way to school and I felt sore, but great all at once. The feeling of outside was awesome and I'm glad I got out of the house.

Once I arrived at school, I received a few long glances and a few whispers, which weren't unexpected. I mean I was gone a whole week- they kind of had a little bit of a right.

Once I saw Terrance with his group of guys, I made my way over immediately. As if he had sensed me, Terrance looked up and smiled at me. He met me half way and hugged me tightly to him, which I didn't mind despite the slight pain.

"I missed you so much," he said into my hair.

I chuckle, "You saw me Thursday. Is someone being clingy?"

Terrance pulled away and squinted at me. I smiled innocently and shrunk back a little.

"Well if me getting to see you all the time makes me clingy, then so be it," he winks, completely dropping his fake annoyance. I felt my cheeks heat up as the guys starting stifling laughs.

"Hey, where's Olivia?" I ask once the laughs die down.

Terrance automatically stops smiling when he nods his head behind me. I turn around and see Olivia with Tucker's arms around her as they leaned against the wall. Much to surprise they were alone instead of with Damon and Keith's group.

Well at least she's happy, I thought. It means more time between me and Terrance I guess, which I don't mind one bit.

After standing around with the guys for a little bit, Terrance and I went inside early to walk to class before the floods of students came in.

"I'm glad you're back," Terrance says out of the silence. "Those guys can get so annoying."

"Why? Aren't they kind of like your posse?" I tease.

"Yeah, but they always talk about you like you're theirs, and I know it's to joke around with me, but it makes me upset." I stop walking and put a hand on his chest, before getting on my tip toes to kiss him. Obviously, he shuts up and kisses me back, holding me to him.

I pull away and he leans in to kiss me again, but I put my hands on his chest to stop him.

"I did that so you would shut up," I say with a hint of sarcasm. Terrance pouts as he lets out a huff before taking my hand and we walked to class.

After school, Terrance and I walked out to his car, since he wanted to give me a ride home.

"Hey, do you think we could go on a date tomorrow?" Terrance asks as we buckle our seat belts.

"Yeah, if Joshua lets me," I sigh as he starts the car up.

"Well maybe I could meet this Joshua. Who is he to you, again?"

The Silent FighterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora