Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty-Three

Sara's POV

I laughed as Damon smashed a balloon over my head and got him right back by doing the same thing. We ended up completely soaked, and now I had regretted not bringing myself a change of clothes.

"Dammit," I mutter to myself as we lay next to each other on the grass.

"What?" Damon asks a small smile on his lips.

"I didn't bring a change of clothes," I mumble as I look over at him. His smile turns into a knowing one and his mouth opens but I quickly stop him. "Don't you dare 'say I told you so'."

Damon laughs, shaking his head before he sits up. "Alright then. Let's pick up our mess and then you can borrow a t-shirt and a pair of shorts."

We clean up the what's left of the water balloons that were littered everywhere, as well as the mess of food scraps before heading back to the car.

"So did you have fun tonight?" Damon asks as we walk side by side in the general direction of the road.

"Yeah, actually, I did," I look back at him with a small smile. I had to brush a wet strand of hair behind my ear with a slight blush as he stared. We didn't say anything else until we reached the car as we loaded up the cooler and the blanket into the back.

"The clothes are right," he trails off, reaching into the car's deep trunk. "Here." Damon hands me a red t-shirt and a pair of long shorts.

"So you just keep clothes in your car?" I ask, as I take them from him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah," he says in matter-of-fact tone. "Don't you?"

I laugh shaking my head 'no'. "Well kindly go away so that I can change, sir."

"What I can't watch?" He teases. I give him a pointed glance and he holds his hands up in surrender before walking to the other side of the car. I hurriedly take off the soaking wet sweater and dress I was wearing, before slipping on the oversized clothes just as quickly. I walk to where Damon was, posing as if I were on a runway, making him laugh. "Don't I look fabulous?" I motion to the shorts that were about three inches below my knee and the shirt that around mid-thigh, complimented by my converse.

"So fabulous," he laughs. I couldn't help but smile when I saw his eyes squint and his cheeks rise when he laughed. He was just too handsome for me to handle. "Let's get going. It's getting kinda late."

I nod, going to the passenger side and getting into the car. The drive back was silent, with the faint radio in the back. I had this itch to hold the hand that Damon was resting on the console between us, but I knew that I'd probably come off to eager if I did. I mean, come on, it's only the first date.

Damon pulled up to the side walk by my house, leaving the car running while he got out with me, grabbing my things and walking with me to my house.

"I had a good time tonight," I batted my eyelashes and twirled my hair on my finger, mocking the girls in the cliché movies which made both of us smile.

"Me too," he says, looking directly into my eyes. I couldn't help but get lost in his own sea blue ones, admiring how they dilated as they stared into mine. Before I knew it, our faces were only centimeters apart, and his hand was resting on my cheek. I watched Damon's eyes go to my lips before he was kissing me, and it felt even better than the one we had shared in the janitor's closet. He held me close to him, letting his hand slip behind my neck and pull my face impossibly closer to his has he deepened the kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth. I couldn't help but sigh into him before I pulled away, resting my forehead on his.

"I will never get tired of that," Damon says, his voice deeper thank normal his his breath fanned over my lips, only making me to kiss him again.

"Good. Neither will I," I smile up at him. "Thanks again for the best date I've ever been on."

"Thank you for attending," he grins back, pecking my lips before backing away. "I'll see you Monday."

"Alright," I reply, waving him off as he walks back to his car, glancing back at me before he was in his car again. I went inside, locking the door behind me with humongous smile on my face. Was it normal to feel this warm and fuzzy? Come to think of it, I had never felt something like that for Terrance.

Even the thought of him didn't bring me down, I was so happy. With a slight hop in my step, I walk to my bedroom, about to take off my borrowed clothing when I stop. I guess it really wouldn't hurt if I slept in these, right? I crawl into bed, slipping under the covers with a tiredness suddenly coming over me. If there was thing I was sure about, it was the fact that I fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face.

Damon's POV

I admired Sara's features once she pulled away from the kiss, noticing the big smile on her face. I had been picturing that since I had left her house. After closing the garage, I went inside my house, met by Keith who was already standing there as if he had been waiting.

"How was your date?" He teases. It was obvious that he was adjusting to my 'new way of life' and I really couldn't blame him for it, but I knew he'd tease me about it no matter how much he was really pissed at me on the inside.

"Amazing," I say, realizing how dreamily I had it said it after I had said it. Keith rolls his eyes as he scoffs.

"You can drop the crap, Damon," Keith had crossed his arms as he glared daggers at me. Bipolar much?

"What are you talking about?" I ask, annoyed by his mood swing. I brush past him to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I heard him follow behind me.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," he says lowly. I turn to look at him, arms crossed as I waited for whatever accusation he was about to throw my way. "You're using Sara because of the bet. It's obvious you don't really like her."

"Are you being serious?" I groan, throwing my head back in exasperation. "Have you not noticed how persistent I've been with her? Is it really not that obvious that I have feelings for her?" I felt myself heating up in anger as my jaw clenched.

"No you don't, Damon! Just drop the act and admit you're doing this all for the bet."

"The bet is completely void! I already said I'd given up and I wasn't going through with this," I hold myself from basically bitch-slapping him out of whatever this was. "Is it really that unbelievable that I like someone in a different way? Do you really think that badly of me?"

I was pissed with a small amount of sadness. Keith had done exactly what he said he wouldn't do.

"So what happened to not acting like Zeke?" I ask, crossing my arms again. I wasn't yelling now, my voice was low and mellow. I watched Keith's face soften and his furrowed eyebrows raise. "You know what? I don't care, just leave me alone."

I begin walking out of the kitchen before I stop in the doorway. "Thanks for ruining my night, Keith."

With that, I go up to my room, slamming the door behind me. I knew I shouldn't have let him get to me, but he was my brother, and he's always stuck with me up until now. I sigh, kicking off my shoes, changing into pajama pants and a t-shirt before slipping into bed and falling asleep.

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