Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

Sara's POV

Terrance and I walked to lunch together and got in line. Terrance turned to me once we had gotten our food through the line.

"Do you want to sit with the guys or alone?" he asks.

I ponder for a bit before saying, "How about we sit with the guys tomorrow?" Terrance nods in complete understanding before walking out the back door with me trailing closely behind him. Once we sit down, we sit facing the school next to one another.

"So are we going on that date tonight?" Terrance asks before taking a big bite out of the pizza they were serving.

"Yeah," I nod, stabbing my salad before crunching on it. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you, but Joshua wants to meet you on Saturday for dinner at his house."

"Oh, okay, cool. Thanks for giving me a heads up," he chuckles. I smile with my cheeks stuffed with salad and my mouth closed, making him just laugh harder. "You just surprise me more and more."

You don't even know.

I guess it didn't really matter now, I mean he wouldn't find out anyhow- Joshua took all my fighting stuff away and there wasn't a trace of it left at my house. He promised he'd trash it discreetly.

We finished up our meal before heading up back to the cafeteria. "Hey, do you mind if I say hi to Olivia?"

"Nope," he shrugs. I nod before grabbing his hand and dragging him behind me to where Olivia and Tucker were sitting.

"Hey, guys," I say gleefully. It takes the three of the by surprise and it sure as hell does the smae thing to me. Next I'm going to start saying peachy without sarcasm.

"Hey, Sara," Olivia smiles and stands up, hugging me. "Sit down, girl, we've got plenty of time to chat. You can sit, too, Terrance."

Terrance reluctantly sits across from Tucker, who gives him a quick nod, and Terance returns it.

"So you were really sick last week, huh?" Olivia asks. "Stomach virus?"

"Yup," I say, popping the 'p'. "It was not fun at all." Understatement of the century.

"Well, yeah you were gone from me for a week, of course it wasn't fun," Olivia giggles.

"I see you've found company, though," I say reffering to Tucker.

"Yep! You guys haven't been formally introduced, yet. Tucker this is Sara, my best and only friend here," Terrance clears his throat and pulls fake hurt. "Okay, not only friend, but you get the point. And Sara, this is Tucker, my one and only boyfriend."

"I would hope so," Tucker chuckles. I noticed then that he has an Australian accent, which I'm sure Olivia just loves. "It's nice to meet you, Sara," Tucker turns to Terrance. "And you're Terrance, I assume. Hopefully we can be friends, yeah?"

"Yeah," Terrance nods with a small smile. "Well I guess we're all pretty satisfied- both of us get beautiful girlfriends and we all get along," Terrance chuckles to himself before glancing up at Olivia. "Well, at least most of the time."

Tucker and I laugh, while Olivia and Terrance glare at each other.

"Well screw you, too," they said simultaneously, making Tucker and I stop laugh and look at each other before bursting into an even worse fit of laughter. These two were like the North and South Pole, my goodness.

After our laughter had died down, we went back to socializing and all that before the bell for next period rang. We all said our farewells before going out separate ways. I'm sure we were all thinking what every student would think- 'Get me out of this hellhole'.


"Hey, J," I say into my phone as Terrance and I will hand and hand to his Jeep. "Terrance and I were kind of wondering if it was okay if we could go on a date tonight."

"As long as you're not drawing attention to yourselves, Sara. And you better not let him convince you to do anything you're not ready for," Joshua mutters.

"Okay, gross, J. I'd rather not go down that road with you, of all people. No offense of course."

"None taken, hon," he chuckles on the other end. "I guess I'll let Tammy know and I hope you have a good time- you deserve it."

"Thank you so much, Joshua. It's little, bit it means a lot," I smile even though he couldn't see.

"No problem," I can hear his own smile. "Bye, Sara."


By the time I had hung up, we were both waiting in the car- Terrance waiting for an answer, and me waiting for our phone call to end.

"So?" Terrance asks, shifting the heat from park to drive but we remained still.

"I hope you had a date planned," I say, smiling at him. A grin stretches across his face before he backs up out of the place he was parked and zoomed off. "Terrance I swear if I die because of your excitement, I'll kill you."

Terrance rolled his eyes but his smile was still glued to his face. "Aw, you love me though."

I rolled my eyes right back at him. We eventually pulled up to his house and he ran in, leaving me in the car, to grab clothes before he ran right back out completely redressed.

"You ready to go on the best date ever?" Terrance grins as he starts the car. I smirk at him, showing him I was giving him a challenge.

"Bring it on, pretty boy!"

The Silent FighterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora