Chapter 34

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Chapter Thirty-Four

Sara's POV

On Monday I was getting my books out of my locker for the day when a pair of muscular arms wrapped around my waist and kiss was placed on my cheek.

"Morning, Sara," Damon's voice whispers. I turn around in his arms, smiling up at him.

"Morning," I smile, putting my backpack over my shoulder. He took my hand in his before we walked to check-in together. Of course, there was whispering and a lot of harsh glances sent my way from the girls in the hall, but I just ignored them. When we walked into the room, my eyes automatically went to the sounds of Amber laughing. She had her head laying on Terrance's shoulder and he was smiling, laughing with her. I knew that when I didn't feel any pain or any regret that it was better that we broke up now before either of us had gotten in too deep, because it was obvious there was nothing there.

As Damon and I sat down, I looked over at him to see him glaring at Terrance and Amber.

"What's wrong?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"It's obvious he's trying to make you jealous," he mutters. I shake my head and smile set my hand on his arm. "He's being a jerk to you and I- I don't know. I don't like it."

"Well he's trying to make me jealous, but it's not working," I say, causing him to look over at me with a softened expression. "I have you. I really could care less about what Terrance wants."

Damon smiled before he leaned forward, kissing me sweetly on the lips. I savor it and love the tingling feeling on my lips that he leaves behind.

"You do have me," he says after he pulls away from me. "I think you're actually stuck with me."

Damon's POV

I knew by the way that Sara looked at me when she said that she had me, it was true. She wasn't trying to say it just to satisfy or calm me.

"You do have me," I say sincerely with a smile. "I think you're actually stuck with me."

I watch her face light up slightly and a small bit of red rise to her cheeks. The bell rings, signaling the end of check-in, so Sara and I begin our journey to our first class, which today was history. I guess they were going to start rotating blocks instead of just doing the same thing same time.

Sara and I sat together at the back of the classroom, watching as the room began to fill. I smiled when I felt the warmth of Sara's face on my shoulder and placed a kiss on top of her hair.

"Alright ya monkeys, settle down," our history teacher calls out. I had to admit that if I had to have a favorite teacher, Mr. Scott was my favorite. One of the guys kept talking, causing Mr. Scott to turn his attention to him. I couldn't help but smile once I realized what was about to happen.

"Samuel Timmons," the teacher's voice drawled as he paced toward him. "I would think it best if you would kindly," his voice was soft before he was basically yelling. "Shut the heck up!"

I snickered along with Sara as Sam's face looked up half scared to death at Honeymon's face, who smiled sarcastically before he returned to his place in the center front of the room.

"Alright, gang, we've got some fun stuff coming up. The end of the year is almost here, and what kind of teacher would I be if I didn't give you an assignment?" The only response was a long groan from each student. "I'd be horrible right? Well that's why I'm not giving you one. Instead, there is a mandatory event. Ladies and gentlemen, drumroll please."

The students did so obnoxiously, except for me and Sara of course. "We are having a 50's Rockabilly dance!"

Everyone tilts there head at him as if we hadn't learned a thing about the 50's making him throw his head back and sigh. "I swear nothing goes into those supposed sponges of your's. Just get a 50's costume, watch some old movies, and attend. Now, let's go through some of the costumes you could wear and pray that you guys are smart enough to comprehend it."

Lunch came around. Sara and I walked together to the cafeteria, sitting in the table we usually sat in with Tucker and Olivia.

"So do you wanna go to the dance with me?" I ask as we sit down.

"No," she says, making me furrow my eyebrows. "I've decided I no longer like you."

Once I realized she was joking, I rolled my eyes and bumped her, causing a laugh to fall from her lips.

"Of course," she smiles. "Why wouldn't I?"

Olivia and Tucker sat down, looking between us in a confused manner.

"Did we seriously not tell them?" Sara mutters, looking up at me with wide eyes. I hear the couple in front of us sigh in exasperation.

"Seriously?" Olivia squeals. She had the biggest smile that made Tucker smile as well. "You two are officially a thing?"

"Well not officially," I trail off. I look over at Sara. "Do you want to be official?"

"You mean like boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asks with a small smile she tries to hide. "We've been on one date."

"So?" I ask leaning toward her. "If you ask me, I think we're closer than just one date."

Sara's eyes looks at mine thoughtfully as she bites her lip.

"What do say? I think being official sounds like a plan," I smile down at her, kissing her nose.

"What the hell have we got to lose?" She laughs. "Boyfriend."

"Girlfriend." I hear Olivia coo us and Tucker facepalms.

We all laugh before talking about the dance. Even though it wasn't for about a month, Olivia was already planning on taking Sara shopping for an outfit.

"You guys should get your costumes, too," Olivia says, pointing between us. "I think we should all go this weekend."

Tucker and I exchange a glance, before shrugging.

"I guess we're shopping this weekend," Tucker mumbles as we walk out of the cafeteria, the girls walking ahead with Olivia gushing about what she wants wear.

"Shopping," I say in a high squeaky voice, giggling and wiggling my fingers toward Tucker. He responds with a fake hair flip and wiggling his fingers.

"I love that movie," Tucker laughs, referring to White Chicks. He sighs as the bell rings. "Well I'll see you later."

"See ya," I nod as Sara turns to me, waiting for me to catch up with her so we can walk to our next class together.

"Looking forward to this weekend?" She raises her eyebrows.

"Yep. Definitely," I say sarcastically.

"Me, too," she says just as sarcastically back at me. I shake my head before wrapping my arm around her, happy that I had such a perfect girlfriend.

Girlfriend. I like it. Has a nice ring to it.

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