Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm with Madeline in a deep sleep next to me. I turn off the alarm and swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up, walk to my closet to get a pair of sweats, a cami tank top, and a sports bra so I can go for run. A run was Joshua's orders for the day of a fight. Personally, I enjoyed a run in the morning.

After I got dressed, I told Madeline she could sleep in, receiving a mumble for an okay. I grab my MP3 player and earbuds before walking out the door and locking it behind me.

I put in my earbuds and played Fall Out Boy 'Uma Thurman' as I started a light jog down my street. I hummed along as I turned the corner of my street. I was going on the school route today and it usually took me longer since it was about 25 minutes round trip.

As I jogged near school, I saw two runners ahead. Once identified the runners, I groaned in what you could call annoyance. Up ahead, Keith and Damon were jogging towards me. I turned up the volume on my MP3 and kept jogging until we passed by each other. Once Damon noticed it was me, he slowed down and grabbed my arm as I tried to run by him.

I yank my earbud out and smack his hand from my arm. He cradles his hand saying, "What the hell was that for?"

"I told you to stop grabbing me. You know there are other ways of getting people's attention than touching them," I roll my eyes.

"Please," Damon mutters. "Girls love getting touched by me." I saw Keith roll his eyes in the corner of my eye as Damon winked at me.

"You're not funny," I deadpan. "Whatever. What did you stop me for? I have places to be."

"Like where?" Damon inquires.

"Not with you, nosy ass," I retort sarcastically, making Keith sputter a laugh. Damon just glares at both of us and I can't help but smirk. "Well, as much as I love your company," I trail off, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "I'm going to continue my run."

I don't wait for a reply and put my music in as I begin to run towards the school. When I get there, I walk around to the back where the field is.
I heard the whistle and shouting of the football coach. I peeked around the corner to see all the jocks and a few other guys practicing. Amongst the sea of sweaty boys, I saw Terrance. The sight of him had me making sure I wasn't drooling. He had his helmet off and was wearing his jersey and padding while sitting down to rest. His sweaty blonde hair was stuck to his forehead. Man, I was a lucky girl.

"Yo, Smith! I think your girlfriend is stalking you!" One of the jocks yelled over to Terrance. My face felt extremely red and I knew it definitely wasn't from running. Once Terrance registered what the guy said, he turned to where I was standing and a smile automatically lit up his face.

He jogged from the field with his muscular arms out. When I realized what was about to go down, I made a sound somewhere along the lines of a squeal and began to back away. My back hit the wall and the next minute I was covered in even more sweat from Terrance hugging me.

"Damn you, Terrance!" I tried to push him off of me, but he just picked me up and spun me around. He finally sat me down, kissing me full on the lips.

"What was that for?" I pull away, dazed.
Terrance just smiled as he rested his forehead on mine.

"Smith you better get your sucker ass over here!" The coach's voice boomed behind Terrance causing both of us to jump

Away from each other and the football team to roar with laughter. Assholes.

"Well I got to go. Madeline is at home asleep, for what I know at least," I chuckle. Terrance nods, kissing my cheek before running to his team on the field. I shake my head as I see them bumping him with their shoulders or elbows, making him blush.
I turned and put my earbuds back in, playing my alternative playlist on my MP3 before beginning to run.

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