Senses VI

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Oh baby, it's that look in your eyes that makes you the prize
It's true, you make my body feel loose
Oh baby, it's the way that you lay, the way that you play..


She filled me to capacity and there were at least a couple of inches untouched. As deep as my ocean ran, the toy stretched longer. Finally, with her inside of me, my muscles relaxed. The tension of everything and all things subsided. For once, everything felt fine. Even though they weren't, they were.

I could feel her all over my body. Hands caressing my breast. Lips caressing mine. Body to body. Chest to chest. Nose to nose. Mouth to mouth. There wasn't a single inch of my body that I didn't feel her. She was everywhere. Even in places that she wasn't physically.

Over and over, she dug into me as if her life depended on it. As if I was going somewhere soon. I wasn't. As long as she needed me, I'd be right where she needed me to be.

I didn't know this woman, but there was something so familiar about her that it made me want to do better by myself, fall in line with and arch my back just a bit more so that she could possibly go a bit deeper. I wanted to do all things for and with her.

Good sex was known to have you thinking recklessly and talking out of the side of your neck and I could attest. With the way she was digging into my guts, I wanted to marry her and cook her breakfast.

"Oooooh fuck," I curled, cowering from the overpowering climax that was budding from the tips of my toes. It was my third. With the force that it maneuvered through my body, I could tell that it would be just as strong as the one before it and the one before that one.

"Let go because I can't hold on any longer."

Her hand snaked around my neck as her strokes became more aggressive. The moaning I heard from her lips tipped the iceberg and my love came tumbling down. Like an avalanche, my glaze came down finding her fake dick and coating it like a sheet of ice. Simultaneously, her strokes slowed and the grip around my neck tightened.

"Uh. Uh, shit." She jerked, stiffening on top of me.

My legs clung to her back, pushing her deeper into my pussy as she reached her limit too.

In pure bliss, we both relaxed our limbs and remained in the same position. I couldn't move. Neither could she.


Morning, why so soon? I questioned as I peered through my fingers while blocking out the harsh rays of the sun. It hadn't been long since I'd fallen asleep. After checking the time on my phone, I narrowed it down to three hours since I'd closed my eyes. It wasn't enough sleep but the emptiness of the bed wouldn't allow me to rest any longer.

Beyoncé had left me. I knew she hadn't gone far, but she'd gone somewhere. The task of putting my clothes on was painful as the memories of last night came flooding my thoughts. I'd only grabbed my dress from the chair beside the bed and it felt like I'd been in a cat fight.

"Dammit, Onika. You need to get back in the gym." I chastised.

Once dressed, I checked my ungodly appearance in the mirror and cringed. I had to get home soon. I hated wearing the same outfit the day after, especially with all of the perspiring my pussy had done last night.

Chuckling at the thought of my thirstiness, I headed downstairs to the woman who had been able to quench it. The last stick of gum that was left in my clutch came in handy. I popped it right into my mouth just before I descended the final few stairs. The kitchen seemed a mile away, but I was certain it was where Beyoncé may be.

Of course, I was correct. She was as gorgeous as the day before, dressed in a pair of sweats and a tee. It seemed as if she'd been up for a while. I wasn't sure how that was possible being that we'd both worked ourselves to exhaustion.

"Good morning." She'd heard me enter.

"Good morning."


"I'll have some when I get home," I tossed out, making sure that she understood I was ready to go. It wasn't that I wanted to leave her presence, because I didn't. I simply needed to regroup and get my shit together before even holding a decent conversation with her again.

"Mmkay." She nodded, continuing to run her fingers over the pages of the book that she had open. I concluded the fact that she was reading.


"So, will your driver be taking me home?" I chewed the inside of my jaw. A creature of habit.

"Are you in a rush to leave?" She folded the book that she'd been fingering and sat it on the chair next to her.


"Good, then. You'll get home." She shrugged as if it was no big deal.

"When?" I chuckled nervously.

"After I have breakfast." I nodded with a shrug, in no particular rush because I had no particular plans.

"Sit down," she instructed.

Obliging, I pulled out the chair that was in front of me.

"Not there." She stopped me in my tracks and slid her own chair backward.

"Here." Beyoncé pointed toward the table in front of her. "I've been waiting all morning."

As she licked her lips, I moved a bit closer to where she sat.

"Up on the table, Oni. Don't be shy. I've seen what you're about and I'm about it too. Open up. Feed me."

She didn't have to tell me twice. I situated myself on the table behind me, opened my legs and allowed access to my holy grail. It was bald without panties, just the way she'd left it. The only major difference was the washing it had this morning after I rose.

"Good girl," she commended before pulling her chair up.

Soundlessly, she lowered her head and began to feast. Before I was able to make out her name, I felt my knees buckling and my legs shaking. The swiftness of her tongue reminded me of my favorite vibrator. Relentless and unwavering. If this was what I had to look forward to whenever I returned, I never wanted to leave. Not now. Not ever.

"This shit is as good as mine now," she whispered from below.

I heard every word and agreed as my eyes rolled to the back of my head before closing. It was as good as hers and so was I.

For now, at least. Hers to hug and hers to handle with the care that she had since she heard my sniffling on the phone. Hers without a title, because I wasn't ready for much of anything else. Hers to call on. Hers to come through for. Hers to fuck on and hers to suck on. Hers to consider every day. Hers to hold as we lay together.


thoughts on this chapter

do you guys think nicki and bey will keep contact?

what's keeping nicki from actually being with bey?

what do y'all wanna see next chapter? it's already written but i'm thinking about doing a few additions.

the lyrics at the top mean so much to me, i'll start leaving the songs at the end for you guys.

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