Between Us

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Where my thugs at?
White T-Shirt I love that
Timberland boots, you does that, it's a fact
That's how I like it, baby

As soon as Beyoncé stepped onto the sidewalk that led to the store's entrance, Lauren stepped out of the store with Nicki right behind her. She had her box of wings and fries in one hand, while the other held the door open for an older man.

"Damn, there she go right there," KJ's voice traveled with anxiousness laced through his words, grabbing Nicki's attention.

Glancing in the direction of where those words were spoken from, Nicki's heart fell to the pit of her stomach at the sight of Beyoncé. At first glance, her eyes lit up with appreciation of how fine she looked, but then she thought about how she hadn't reached out to call her like she said she would. Those pretty brown irises of hers rolled and she broke their staredown. She felt played that Beyoncé hadn't called and didn't have two words to say to her.

Caught off guard by her sudden distaste instead of the longing look she'd normally give her, Beyoncé face finally showed some type of emotion. She frowned and was ready to snatch her up, but Lauren had beat her to it.

"Come over here with me right quick," Lauren urged, grabbing a hold of her hand.

"Aye, yellow dress," KJ called out brazenly, making Lauren.

On another day, when her eyes weren't set on the fine ass man before her, she would've talked wet to him for trying to step to her like some hoodrat. Her mother hadn't named her yellow dress nor would she be answering to that shit.

An onset of butterflies swarmed Lauren's heart and stomach the closer she got to him. Sitting inside the driver's seat of an Audi A4 with his Givenchy sneakers planted firmly into the pavement, his phone to his ear and eyes scoping the scene, Lauren drank in his appearance. It'd been so long since she last laid eyes on him, she was afraid to blink and miss any subtle movement of his.

"Nah, ma," some burly guy said, stopping her from stepping to him. "You can't just be walking up over here like that. Who you need to speak with?"

While Nicki stood behind her, seemingly uninterested in the quest she'd been dragged into, Lauren was offended that the guy had placed his cruddy hands on her. Witnessing the commotion in his peripheral, Ermias glanced in their direction and Lauren's heart stopped beating for a few seconds. Shit, he's still fine, were her first thoughts. Her second set of thoughts had her wondering why he'd given her such an icy glare just now. Surely, he was glad to see her but maybe not.

Looking every bit of the money he was worth, Ermias gazed at Lauren with those piercing eyes of his. They were curtained by long lashes, while a fresh set of braids enhanced his looks. His skin shined without much effort. It always had and had Lauren's pussy jumping it was so smooth. Lost in everything Ermias, Lauren snapped out of her trance when the burly guy asked her the question again.

"Who you trying to speak with, ma?"

Seeing as though Ermias hadn't made an effort to acknowledge her presence, Lauren refused to make a fool of herself. Saving face, though she wanted to wild out and curse him out, she smirked and eyed Naaz from the sole of his sneakers to the top of his head.

"No one. Thought I knew someone over here, but I guess not."

Backpedaling, Lauren gave him once last glance before turning to walk away. Ermias' eyes followed and so did every niggas around him. Wasn't much he could say to them about watching where they looked since Lauren technically wasn't his to claim. Not anymore at least.

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