More Than A Best Friend IV

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Oh no, you're taking me for granted
But you only get one chance
Then you left me hurting
And it won't happen again no, no
So she finally left you

Scrolling to her name in my call log, I tapped it, and the rings echoed through the speakers. She was only an hour ahead of time, so I knew she hadn't gone to work yet.

"Hey, baby," she cooed.

"What's up. What you doing?"

"Nothing. Out to eat with my cousin before we go to the movies. You headed back?"

"Yeah, after I grab some food. You gotta work tonight, right?"

"I did, but I had somebody cover me so I could be at your spot waiting for you when you got home." She was talking all low, trying to be freaky. It was never her thing.

Chuckling, I shook my head, "Ah yeah? What you gonna do when I get home?"

"Beyoncé," she whined. "I'm in front of people."

"So, what. You started that freaky shit. Don't talk about it if you ain't bout it, baby. I'm sure your cousin be on the same time." She laughed.

"Oh, trust me. She does."

"Be naked when I get there. Turned me on and won't even talk it. You ain't shit," I joked. I didn't want to make her feel bad, but my needs were important too.

"Sorry, BB," she said with a giggle.

I tensed up immediately. Brooke never called me Bey, she claimed it was becoming and that we were too old for nicknames. That was Nick's name to claim anyways. I was turned off immediately. Damn. "Y-You good. Have fun alright."

"Okay, I love you!" she chirped, not even detecting the switch up in my tone. That nickname calling had me on edge.

"Love you too."

The three beeps echoed, and I released a heavy sigh. Even when I didn't want Nicki's stubborn as on my mind, people just loved to bring her up. I haven't been right in the head since that day in the kitchen. It's just some shit you can't shake. I probably would have chucked it up as her being in her feelings for kissing me, but I didn't have an excuse for my actions. I wasn't drunk. Had something happened the night before, the liquor could somewhat justify my actions.

Seeing her so hurt over Meek always brought out the best friend in me. The bullshit he put her through had been happening for years, and she didn't always put up with it, but she never stopped putting up with him. Or, stop making excuses for why he handled her the way he did. There shouldn't have been any excuses. None. Especially since she had the perfect example right in front of her of how to be treated.

In all honesty, I was finally realizing that I treated Nini like my girlfriend. My actions and the way I handled damn near everything regarding her was the same way I treated Brooke. The only difference was that Brooke was getting fucked, and hell, Nicki almost had. I wasn't blaming her for kissing me, but she had started something I was most definitely had plans on finishing that day. Any consequences were going to have to be dealt with later if we had taken it there.

Onika had always been attractive; just not in the sexual kind of way. She was my best friend, and we never had to discuss boundaries, let alone what was acceptable for best friends to not indulge in. Us sleeping in the same bed? Cool. I used to crash in her tiny ass dorm bed whenever I went down to her school, and she'd be right there cuddled into my side. We'd seen each other naked, but I guess after seeing her in my drunken state when she came to the door stirred something up. And still, I laid up consoling her over Meek's ass.

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