Fatal Attraction

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They say you can't turn a bad girl good
But once a good girl's gone bad, she's gone forever
I'll mourn forever
Shit, I gotta live with the fact
I did you wrong forever

It was nearing 11 in the evening when Beyoncé was drawn from her sleep by a slight tapping sound coming from the glass staircase outside of her bedroom. Assuming the noise was her girlfriend, Onika, retreating for the night, she didn't even bother to get up. Upon hearing the toilet flushing in her bathroom, she quickly knew she had been mistaken.

"Baby? I'm glad you're awake." her wife, Kristen, called from the hallway. "I'm putting my things away, and I'll be right there. I've missed you."

"Shit," Beyoncé mumbled.

The bathroom door opened and sure enough, there stood Onika. She was completely naked, just as she last remembered. Instead of there being a panicked expression on her face to match Beyoncé's, she was smirking.

"Looks like you get to tell her about us sooner than later." she grinned.

Beyoncé couldn't respond, the bedroom door opened. The room was completely dark except for the moonlight peeking through the closed blinds. Kristen went to turn on the lights when she heard the bathroom door slamming shut.

"Babe, are you okay?" she asked.

With the lights on, she could see that her clothes were thrown all around the spacious bedroom. Shaking her head at the mess, she went to retrieve the clothing off the floor so she could put them in her laundry hamper. Thinking that she had gotten everything, she was surprised to see something that didn't belong. She rubbed her eyes harshly, just to make sure she saw correctly. Next to her wife's Givenchy Stark Lock boots, were a pair of baby pink, Christian Louboutin shoes. She owned a pair identical to them and had it not been for the fact they were so tiny; she would've thought them to be hers.

"Beyoncé!" Kristen called. Her voice was dripping with anger as she called out to him. She knew all about her wife's little girlfriend, which is part of the reason she came home unannounced. She was away, visiting her recently divorced parents in Maryland, but she returned earlier than she told her. When Beyoncé didn't answer her, she hurriedly ran to the bathroom door and began pounding on it.

"Where is that bitch?!" she screamed.

While Kristen was banging away at the door, Beyoncé and Onika were locked on the opposite side, temporarily escaping the fury awaiting. She had her hand over her mistress's mouth to keep her quiet, fearing that if she spoke, things would get worse.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. "Just let me talk to her, okay?"

Onika nodded her head, fuming on the inside. It was never her intention to be involved with a married woman, yet here she foolishly was. Beyoncé opened the door and slowly walked out into the bedroom, with Onika right behind her. Kristen immediately tried to attack the naked home-wrecker, but Beyoncé grabbed her irate wife by the wrists to restrain her

"In our home? Our fucking bed?!" Kristen screamed. She even let loose a few crocodile tears for dramatic effect.

The truth of the matter was; she didn't really care about her wife's cheating. All she cared about was the nice apology gift she would receive. Before they got married, when Beyoncé would cheat on her, she'd buy her thousands of dollars' worth of gifts to apologize. She had even gotten her this house as an apology gift. She grew excited just thinking about what her next present would be.

This was the first times she had cheated since they'd been married. On top of that, she had the girl inside of her house. Kristen was smiling internally, plotting on how to milk this situation for what it was worth.

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