If You Need Me VII

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Onika M.
Kno. Corp
Manhatta, NY

What the hell was she doing here? Why hadn't I heard her come in? I was in complete disarray considering the fact that I'd turned her office into a temporary hotel. My belongings were sprawled on the floor, and I had just bathed myself as best I could, giving the circumstances. Sleep was near, but it was the furthest thing from my mind not that I was standing face to face with the most intimidating figure in all of New York.

"Ms. Knowles." Thoughts and words failed me, so I resulted in calling her name.

She said nothing.

"I... I can explain. I have no..."

Her obnoxious perfume brushed against the bride of my nose as I felt her body press up against mine. She'd broken the code of conduct, invading my personal space as if she had permission. I wasn't complaining, but I'd preferred forewarning. Her hand wrapped around my neck, another hooking around my waist as she used her right leg to pry mine apart.

Her mouth slacked as if she had something to say, but words failed her. They always did, leaving me yearning for their company. My eyes glossed over as they quickly fell and rose, repeatedly. I wanted to see all of her.

Lessened and void of judgment. It was imperative that I witnessed the moment in time when she was absent of critical thinking and present in the moment, allowing something that I assumed she was vacant of, take possession of her actions. Feelings.

"Ms. Kno-"


Covering my lips with her own, Beyoncé- as I figured it was safe to revert back to first name basis - planted a gentle kiss on my lips. Even without words, she was speaking to me. Telling me that she accepted me with all of my emptiness and baggage, assuring me that I was more than my situation and it didn't cause her to see me any differently.

"Say something." My lips quivered underneath hers.

My emotions ran wild. Though I heard her loud and clear, I still needed her to say it. Tell me that my situation wasn't the end of the world. I wasn't in search of her sympathy, but her encouragement and acceptance would be of great substance.

"Something." She murmured, looking me in the eyes as she unfastened her pants.

Her stubbornness was maddening, but I could hardly focus on much of anything after hearing her slacks fall to the ground. My gaze faltered, but Beyoncé was quick to lift my head. She wanted me to focus, solely on her. The message was clear, although I had to read between the lines.

"Say more." I encouraged, leaning forward and latching onto her mouth with my own.

The ocean that flowed between my thighs caused flooding in my silk panties. As I entered Beyoncé's oral cavity, I was met with the flavor of peppermint and hints of lemons. She tasted as I had imagined, packing a bit of a punch. Her hands circled my body, rubbing and caressing the places I'd wanted to feel her fingers graze since five days ago. When we were both depleted of oxygen, I came up for air before drowning in her embrace.

"Say something to me," I commanded as I felt my body being hoisted in the air. "Say something," I repeated as I felt Beyoncé's teeth sink into the skin just above my breast.

In my panties and a bra, she had access to every part of my body but my private areas. Upon arching my back, the strap fell down my shoulder and assisted her in her efforts to remove my right breast. Sucking it into her mouth, Beyoncé began rubbing my pussy through the seat of my panties.

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