More Than A Best Friend VII

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When you say you love me
Know I love you more
And when you say you need me
Know I need you more

"Nini. I ain't letting you hit this blunt. When you start smoking anyway?"

Beyoncé looked over at Onika who was anxiously waiting for her to teach her how to smoke. The two had just gotten home from school and were at Beyoncé's house chilling before she had to be at work to work in a few hours. It was only her second week working at Neiman's, and she was ready to quit already.

"I don't smoke, but I want to try it. You make it look fun," Onika explained shrugging her shoulders.

Leaned back on the couch, Beyoncé placed the perfectly rolled blunt to her lips and puffed on the exotic weed she had just bought from her cousin. She had only taken three or four pulls of it and felt the green lifting her away already. Looking Onika's direction, she shook her head with a grin.

"So, you and Jayce have never gotten high together?" she asked. Beyoncé and Jayce had smoked on a few occasions, but never alone. It was usually during a session after school.

Onika shook her head no. "Nope."

"You can't be going home all high, Ni. You know your mama is all strict and what not."

"I'll stay here until you get off. I'll just tell her I was studying."

Beyoncé giggled and slightly mushed her in the shoulder. "Nah, don't be lying on me and getting me in trouble with your mama."

Leaning over some, Onika wrapped her arms around her shoulders. While she was all in her face, Beyoncé blew the smoke from her mouth in the opposite direction.

"Bb, please," she whined making Beyoncé shake her head. She was no good when Onika pouted, and they both knew it too.

"Ok, ok. But, you ain't putting your lips on this. You ain't about to be walking around here with black lips miss lady."

Snatching her arms from around Bey, Onika clasped her hands together with a grin on her face. "Yay. Okay, okay. So how am I going to hit it?"

"Shotgun. Look, come here." Nicki moved closer toward her. "Ima hit the blunt and then blow the smoke in your mouth. You gotta hold it in for a minute and then let it go okay."

Onika nodded her head. "Okay, that should be easy."

Beyoncé took a generous toke from the blunt and leaned her way. Onika jumped a little at how close they were, but Beyoncé grabbed her hand drawing her closer. Smiling, she slightly opened her lips and clamped them shut when Beyoncé blew the smoke in her mouth before backing away.

"Okay, blow it out."

Onika fell into a fit of coughs before the smoke could completely leave her lips. Patting her chest roughly, she frowned at Beyoncé as she patted her back.

"You're so damn heavy-handed," she spoke through shortness of breaths.

Her eyes were already low from catching contact but had turned into slits immediately. Tears filled her eyelids and rolled down her cheeks as she stopped coughing and began to laugh.

"Ok, we got it off your list so you ain't gotta do it anymore," Beyoncé fussed pushing her away. Onika just fell onto her back and smiled. "Ain't shit even funny, Nini."

Eternal Love: Beynika OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now