If You Need Me IV

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Onika M.
Queens, NY

Comfort hadn't come easy. As I laid on the half-inflated mattress, I stared up and into the dark. Tomorrow, I'd be forced into the real world, again. There would be no generosity or miracles falling in my lap.

Fortunately, I'd managed to keep eight hundred and fifty dollars, refusing to spend money on anything unnecessary. Yet, as the night continued, I wondered just how much I'd be able to hold on to in the upcoming days.

Tossing my body towards the window, I gazed. More darkness. A replica of what I must've looked like on the inside. There hadn't been any luck in my job search. Tonight was the final night of my extended stay - thanks to Andrew. I'd become hopeless and didn't have a clue what was next for me. Uncertainty was the root of the untamable anxiety that I felt, which had kept me awake through the night.

I reached for my phone, destined for a distraction. The free social media apps were beckoning for my attention, so I logged into my Instagram account. It wasn't frequented. I hardly had anything to post. With my life spiraling, the last thing I cared for was my pain to be on display. The sadness that reflected in my eyes, I was certain that everyone could see. Through pictures. Even through words.

The first post that popped up on my timeline was one of my old roommate's. She'd covered her boyfriend's face with a broken heart. Anger threatened to overcome me as I scrolled to read her caption.

As if I ever needed you.

Without further due, I locked my phone by pressing the button on the side and blackening the screen. Taking deep breaths, I calmed my nerves and tried realigning my mind with more positive thoughts.

If ever in need, call me. Her voice rang loud in my ear as if he was beside me. Lifting a hand to my face, I pressured my temples and rotated my fingers to ease a headache I felt approaching. The tears the swelled in my eyes came crashing onto my cheeks before I could capture them, evidence of my plight.

Thinking about the conversation I'd had with Beyoncé Knowles, I recalled her words. They'd been reassuring and taunting at the same time. She'd insisted that I treat her number as a lifeline. Being that my life was on the line, I figured this was a more suitable time than ever.

Just call her. Gassing myself up, I unlocked my cell and located his contact. My fingers wiggled across the screen, nerves rattling and lip paining from the indention of my teeth I was pressing into it.

The phone began to ring causing me to leap from the mattress as if I'd never heard the ringing of a phone before. Without notice, my feet trod the carpeted floor, pacing back and forward. When I heard the tenor of her voice, my strides discontinued. Snatching the phone from my ear, I realized the time. It was two in the morning, and Beyoncé Knowles probably assumed I was insane, not to mention the fact that she was - more than likely - laying next to her significant other.

"Beyoncé Knowles."

By the second time she'd spoken, my last thoughts flew out of the window, and I became invested in the task of getting her to stay connected on the call with me. The devastation I'd face if she hung up, I wasn't prepared to deal with the remainder of the night. So, my first words rushed out and sounded as desperate as I was.

"Please, don't hang up on me." I pled.

There was a pregnant pause before she continued. "I won't."

More silence ensued, but it was a comforting one. Knowing that the call wouldn't be ended brought solace to me.

"What's the reason for your call?" She stirred.

Honesty was at the tip of my tongue, so I gave in to it. "I... I need you."

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