If You Need Me IX

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Onika Maraj
New Rochelle, NY

And, so, I agreed.

What I'd expected to be a simple, private dinner amongst us two turned out to be much more. As I slid into the plum colored dress that Beyoncé had delivered to the door, small fine bumps rose across my skin. The coolness of the fabric had brought me to chills.

I'd been desperate to see the contents of the box since it had been delivered three hours ago before I was ushered to the salon. Beyoncé was pulling out all of the stops. I didn't quite understand why I considered anything less of her.

As I stood in the full-length mirror, I admired the way the simple - yet, overly expensive gown - complimented my figure. While it didn't cling to me like paint, it did little to disguise my curves. My hair had been flat ironed straight. I was in love.

The time for me to join Beyoncé at her dinner table had come. I grabbed the studded clutch, which added spice to my attire and had been another gift of Beyoncé's, before descending the steps. The lone box that sat on the counter, wrapped in red paper with a shiny bow on top, caused my smile to reach my ears. She was simply too much.

Since she'd admitted her feelings and fears, I was more receptive to her method of handling situations, even ours. I'd decided to let her have her way, knowing that everyone went about things differently. And, in the last twenty-four hours, I hadn't regretted it one bit.

Beneath the single layer of thick red wrapping paper was a gift set complete with Chanel perfume, lotion and a travel size in both. The letter tapped to the opposite side of the box was simple, reading... Something to remember you by.

I took a whiff of the fragrance and was immediately intrigued. "Damn. This smells good." Four puffs later and I was confident that I'd truly be remembered.


Beyoncé Knowles
Knowles Residence
New Rochelle, NY

Skipping dinner and opting for dessert seemed more tangible seeing her walk through the door of my home. For an entire week, I'd been relishing at the moment when she crossed my threshold. She brought character to the hollowed dwelling, immediately. God had been on my side because otherwise I would've let this beauty saunter out of my life due to my inflexibility and been suffering from the side effects of her for the duration of my life.

Now, I understood what my father meant when they said, "For the right one you'll bend. For the right one, you'll even break. But, most importantly, for the right one, you'll build." He'd done the same for my mother, ultimately breaking and being buried just beside her so that they could remain together forever.

I tossed around in my glass, the single ice cube that was keeping it cooled hitting the sides with a ding. Her hair had been straightened, just as I'd requested. The red dress I'd rushed from my seamstress was spectacular, engaging in a rush down below as she continued in my path.

Thankfully, I was seated. When she was near enough, I'd greet her with open arms. But, for now, I allowed her to strut her shit like I knew she wanted to. Highly favored, I had front row seats to her runway show. With that beautiful smile, I was held hostage in honor of my personal will.

Onika etched away at the distance between us two, pulling me from my seat and forcing me forward. Drink still in my left hand; I wrapped my hand around her upper neck with my right. I could smell the indulgence on her skin, igniting the beast within me. Taking my tongue to her upper lip, I swiped before being invited into her warm mouth.

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