Trick & I'll Be Your Treat

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What is it that you desire the most?

"This is why I don't like dating broke men,"

I huffed in annoyance and locked my phone. This was Antonio's second time this month, making excuses as to why he couldn't take me out.

Honestly, I can't even call it an excuse this time because I was over those. A grown man that can't afford to do anything was a complete turnoff. No, he didn't have to spend an absurd amount of money on me but sitting at home on his worn-down leather couch eating ramen noodles while he fucked off on the game was not ideal. Nothing wrong with ramen noodles at all, but I'm an adventurer. Take me out to places for an experience and a good time.

"Let me guess, that's Antonio?" My cousin Erin questioned.

"Yes. I asked if he wanted to go to the haunted house, and he had the nerve to lie and say he'd already been."

"How'd you know he was lying?"

I angrily rolled my eyes. "The one I asked about is shut down. It hasn't reopened since that girl's family sued them and won last year."

Seven Floors of Hell used to be a very popular haunted house in our city. Last year when a young girl died while she was leaving causing the owner's shut it down. According to the news and documents I read, the girl and her friends had completed the trail when an actor with a chainsaw came out of nowhere. He chased after the young girl, ended up tripping on a nearby cord, and the chainsaw sawed her face in half. That has been the most horrifying death I think I've ever heard of in all my life, on some Final Destination shit.

"That was a really horrible way to die," Erin shivered just thinking about it.

"I know, and Antonio just lied for no reason. This isn't the first time, though. I seem to always catch him up, but that's okay. I'm going to find someone who doesn't mind spending money on me."

"Or, let them find you," she offered as we walked into Kings Liquors.

"Or that," I replied with a shrug.

It was the evening of Halloween and we were still trying to decide what events we planned to attend. Before anything, we had to pregame.

While some people didn't participate in what many considered a holiday, I certainly did. Not just for the candy, parties, or alcohol, but the overall eeriness the season brought. Plus, I could let go of my inhibitions that's been holding me back for the majority of the year and become a different person.

Thankfully, I'd purchased my costume well before all of the good ones had been picked over in my size

"Dark or clear tonight?" I asked, moseying down the aisle.

"I'm okay with whatever you choose. Don't forget, I have some edibles from the girl who works with you."

I did an about-face and frowned. "Who?"


"Oh, hell. Her weird ass. We're going to be high as Cooter Brown."

It was Erin's turn to frown in confusion. "Who is that?"

Giggling, I shook my head. It was an old metaphor that I didn't feel like getting into. "No one. Let's go with Tequila. We can never go wrong with that."

"I meeean, you can but who really cares?" Erin giggled.

Walking out of the aisle after grabbing a bottle of white Tequila by a local brand that we've had before, we were stopped by a woman posted up at a table in the back of the store.

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