Chemistry VI

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Each day I feel so blessed to be looking at you
'Cause when you open your eyes, I feel alive
My heart beats so damn quick when you say my name
When I'm holding you tight, I'm so alive

"Count it, again, and call me with the total." I ended the call and my attention returned to the matter at hand. The building that I promised Onika would be ready in about five weeks was well on its way to the sixth week with quite a ways to go. Tardiness wasn't tolerated. It was a sign of disrespect in my book. If one couldn't respect your time, then they sure as hell didn't respect you.

"Now, if my memory serves me right - as it has always served me - then I recall making it clear that I wanted everything completed within five weeks. In fact, the contract that my lawyer and I sent over expressed the timeframe with additional payment to make it happen."

The chair that Mr. Pierre had offered me was of no interest. Instead, I rested on the desk that he sat comfortably behind as if I wasn't missing money behind his laziness. As if upsetting Onika would be satisfying. As if not keeping my word would be okay with me.

"Ms. Knowles. I can explain."

"Yet, I'm not looking for an explanation. Action," I clarified, leaning over and tapping his temple, "Is what I need. I've been hearing for the last two weeks that the job will be completed on time. Here we are at the deadline and now you need more time. It doesn't work like that. I gave you my money, and you gave me your word."

"I know. Some things came up, and we got a little behind."

"We? I haven't seen you out there once. That's possibly the issue. Maybe they need your help out there. All hands on deck." I stood, continuing, "Get up. Let's go. Your men are out there slaving night and day while you sit in an air-conditioned room with your feet kicked up on the desk, stuffing your face. Get the fuck up."


"Get. The. Fuck. Up!" I retorted, tone still even.

"Okay. Okay." Pierre stood from his seat and began walking around his desk.

"Now, let's go."

"I have an idea."

"You should've been had a fucking idea. I'm supposed to be at an important meeting, but I'm here policing you."

"I have another job that some of my men are finishing up. I can pull them and have them over at your site within the hour. It's twelve of them. They'll work around the clock and finish the job within the next forty-eight hours."

Beads of sweat fell from his forehead although the air-conditioned room was of a decent temperature. I mulled over the idea he'd proposed and was somewhat satisfied. The fact still remained that he'd be working with them. He'd wasted enough time eating family-sized bags of chips while his workers busted their asses.

"Yeah. Make that happen and grab your hard hat. You're still taking your ass out there to do some work."


"She's pissed," Solange warned as I walked through the door.

"I know. I almost got myself locked up speeding so that I would make it in time," I said, heading straight toward the playroom that had been specially designed for my daughter.

Pierre would regret the day he agreed to do business with me if my new building wasn't finished in time. I was late to my date with Aminah and had been pulled over by the law. With almost the entire Los Angeles Police Department working for me, I was set free the minute they realized who I was. The stop set me back another five minutes in addition to the three I was already late.

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