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"You're crazy." Ashley laughed, gently bumping her shoulder against Luke's.

"I am not." Luke protested, folding his arms across his chest as they walked. School had just gotten out and Luke was walking with Ashley to her car like he normally did.

"You're really crazy." Ashley continued laughing, shaking her head at him.

"I am not!" Luke repeated.

"You can't do that, Luke." Ashley sighed, shaking her head. "Ashton's going to kill you for sure."

"That's the thing, though. He won't find out." Luke chuckled. He had just told Ashley his master plan for winning Charlie over and he could tell that she didn't think it would work.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure that'll work out just wonderfully." Ashley scoffed.

"They're going to break up soon, I can feel it." Luke insisted. He knew that Ashton and Charlie were unhappy most of the time and he knew that Charlie now had the idea in her head that it would be better if her and Ashton broke up. It was going to happen one way or another.

"Two days ago you were complaining to me about how in love they were with each other." Ashley sighed, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"They say they're in love with each other." Luke argued, trying to further prove her point.

"Oh my God, you really need to make up your mind." Ashley groaned. "One second you're totally fine with Ashton and Charlie and the next you're obsessing over them."

"I'm not obsessing over them." Luke pouted, his eyes shifting down to the ground.

"You just told me about your big plan to get Ashton and Charlie to break up so you can majestically sweep her off her feet and you can go to college together or whatever." Ashley said, rolling her eyes again. "Also, I don't know why you used the word majestically. You can't do anything majestically. You're a dork."

"Her and Ashton are unhappy together and I know that she would be happier with me." Luke said, but he was trying to convince himself of this more than anything.

"I just don't get it." Ashley shrugged.

"What don't you get?" Luke questioned, not sure what Ashley meant.

"You barely know her!" Ashley exclaimed. They reached her car and she leaned up against the side of it, staring up at Luke. "I mean, it's totally acceptable for you to think she's cute or whatever, don't get me wrong. I just - I honestly think it's a bit weird for you to be in love with her when all you talk about is college."

"College is a very important subject." Luke frowned, a little upset at the fact that Ashley was saying this. Deep down he knew that she was right, Ashley was always right, but Luke didn't want to believe that.

"I don't know, Luke." Ashley sighed. "I just don't agree with you wanting to break Ashton and Charlie up for your own selfish benefits."

"It's not a selfish benefit." Luke said, pouting a little. "Ashton is an asshole and Charlie deserves better."

"Yeah, but are you really any better?" Ashley asked him, raising an eyebrow.

"What? Did you just call me an asshole?" Luke scoffed, confused at what Ashley meant.

"You're kind of acting like one right now." Ashley shrugged. "Ashton and Charlie's relationship has nothing to do with you and I don't see why you would even think of trying to break them up for no reason."

"Well, fine." Luke said stubbornly, stepping away from Ashley. "I just won't talk to you about this any more."

"Luke, come on..." Ashley trailed off. "That's not what I meant."

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