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That weekend Luke was planning on staying in bed the entire time, but Ashton had some other ideas.

He barged into Luke's room why he was still asleep and jumped on the bed, picking up a pillow and hitting Luke in the head with it. It took Luke a few seconds to wake up and realize what was going on, and he was beyond pissed off when he realized that someone was whacking him with a pillow.

"What are you doing?" Luke whined, rolling over and trying to cover his face with his blankets. He didn't even know who was on the bed hitting him with a pillow, he just knew that at the moment he wanted them dead.

"Get up." Ashton ordered, hitting Luke again.

"Why?" Luke groaned. He rubbed his eyes and sat up a little, finally getting a good look at Ashton.

"I need you to come with us somewhere." Ashton said, crawling off of Luke's bed and standing at the edge of it.

"Us?" Luke questioned, already knowing who us was.

"Yeah, me and Charlie." Ashton shrugged. "We're going out and I need you to come with. She's waiting in the car, come on."

"But why?" Luke asked, slowly sitting up. He didn't even know what time it was, but it felt like it was way too early for him to be awake.

"I'll explain it later, just get up." Ashton groaned, rolling his eyes. He grabbed the pillow again, like he was threatening Luke with it.

"No, I'm sleeping." Luke said, shaking his head, and fell back into his pile of blankets, burying his face in them.

"Luke, please." Ashton begged, smacking Luke with the pillow a few more times. "I already called Michael and Calum and they're both busy, I need you to come with us."

"Why do you need one of us to chaperone your date?" Luke mumbled into the blankets, hoping that Ashton would understand him.

"It's complicated." Ashton sighed. "Please, Luke, I'll pay for you and everything."

"Where are we even going?" Luke asked, his face still in the pile of blankets. Part of him just wanted to stay home and sleep but the other part really wanted to get up so he could see Charlie, and Luke had a feeling that he was going to end up doing that.

"Just out to lunch." Ashton shrugged.

"I still don't understand why I have to come with." Luke sighed, finally throwing the covers off of himself and rolling out of bed. He glanced at the alarm clock on his bedside table and saw that it was already past noon, but that was still early for Luke.

"I just need you to be there with us, I'm scared to be alone with Charlie right now." Ashton said softly, looking down at the floor.

"What the hell, why?" Luke questioned. He searched around for a shirt to wear, tripping over piles of clothes as he walked around his messy room. It looked like a tornado had gone through there. "She's your girlfriend, how can you be afraid to be alone with her?"

"We've just been fighting a lot lately, it would be better if you were there with us." Ashton shrugged again, like what he said was no big deal.

"You seemed fine the other day." Luke said, still not understanding. He finally found a shirt to wear (maybe it was clean, maybe it wasn't) and put it on before moving to look for some pants.

"Yeah, it's complicated." Ashton repeated.

"Whatever." Luke sighed, shaking his head.

"Charlie likes you, she asked if you could come with us." Ashton added quietly, almost like he didn't want Luke to hear what he was saying.

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