Chapter 23

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Harrys POV

Lindsay and I eventually went our separate ways. She had to pack some things to take to the facility she would be staying in and I had to muster the strength to tell Liam. I realized we had finished talking earlier than expected, leaving me time to pick up Tyler.

To Lili: Hey babes, I'm gonna pick up Tyler and drop him off at Lou's, we need to talk just us, okay? xx

From Lili: Okay, everything alright? X

I honestly wasn't sure if I should answer honestly or say things are okay and tell him later. I decided to do what I felt was right and be honest.

To Lili: Honestly no. Everything isn't alright. We'll talk at home okay?

He answered almost instantly.

From Lili: Should I come home now???

To Lili: No baby it's okay, just come home right after work, please..

From Lili: Okay baby, let me know if I need to leave early, alright? I love you so so much darling xxx

To Lili: I love you too kitten. xx

I got into my car and pulled up Louis' number. He picked up on the third ring.

"Hey H, what's up?" The sound of Louis' voice had me choking up as I drove to get Tyler.

"Hey Lou, could you possibly watch Tyler for a bit? Liam and I need to talk, it's serious."

"Uh oh, trouble in paradise?" I heard the concern in his voice through the phone. A tear slipped down my cheek and I spilled everything to him. Lindsay being back and pregnant, my temptation to take her drugs, how Liam helped me, and the fact that the baby that was more than likely mine might not live.

"Oh Hazza, I'm so sorry babe. You're so brave you know that?" I let out a sob at that.

"Then why do I feel like such a fuck up?" I sobbed out, gripping the wheel tightly as I drove. My breathing was heavy and tears were streaming.

"You aren't Haz, it's just a hard situation to go through. Let's talk later okay? You calm down, don't want Tyler seeing you like that." I nodded and wiped my face.

"You're right, I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, I love you H," Louis said, his voice cracking. My throat tightened at that.

"I love you too Lou," I choked out before a sob wracked my body. We hung up and I cleaned myself up before getting Tyler.

I walked into his playgroup and immediately heard Tyler.

"Papa!" He squealed and lunged himself into my arms.

"Hi baby boy, you ready? We're going to uncle Louis' house for a while, how does that sound?" I put his jacket on him before pressing a kiss to his cheek and swooping him up into my arms.

"Lou, Lou, Lou!" He chanted. I love that he loves our friends so much and gets along with them so well, it's quite heartwarming.

"Yeah! You're going to have a great time lovie," I said as I buckled him into his car seat.

I drove quickly to Louis' house,  pulling into his driveway. I let out a shaky breath before grabbing Tyler. Louis walked out of the house to greet us, wearing only a pair of sweatpants and a white shirt. Does he not know how cold it is outside?

"Where's my favorite nephew!" He yelled, bending down for Tyler to run into his arms. He jumped into Louis's arms and squeezed him tight. I smiled at the two, their relationship always makes me happy; knowing he trusts someone other than Liam and I makes my heart swell.

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