Chapter 2

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Liam's POV

I woke up to the sound of crying at one in the morning. I groaned and stood up, walking into Tyler's room.

"What's going on babe?" I asked picking him up and resting him on my hip. he sobbed, his little body shaking with each one.

"Nightmare." he sobbed grabbing onto me tightly.

 "Oh, what was it about honey?" I asked gently and took him to my room putting him on my lap once I sat down.

"You went away! Just like papa," he sobbed loudly gripping my shoulders tightly, almost like if he let go I would disappear. I shushed him and reassured him I wouldn't ever leave him. "Don't go, need you, daddy." My heart felt like it could burst when he said that but all I did was pull him closer, cover us up, and snuggle with him in the blankets. I saw him trying to stay awake but failing miserably as I rubbed his back.

"I love you, daddy," he said quietly. that was his first whole word that he said to me and the day he said that was the proudest day of my life and ever since he's been saying it as a whole word but other words he can't.

"I love you too baby all the way to the moon and back."

"That far?" he asked looking at me with shy eyes. I nodded and he smiled then whispered, "Love you more."

I smiled and asked, "how far then baby?" he yawned. 

"To park 'nd back," he said after thinking about something that he thought was far away.

"Wow, that's really far sweetie! I don't think I can go any farther than that, I guess you do love me more." He nodded proudly then told me he loved me one more time and fell asleep. "I love you too sweetie, more than you'll ever know," I whispered and kissed his head, I pulled him closer to my chest and let my eyes slip shut, falling into sleep.

The second time I woke up was to my alarm clock. I turned it off and looked at Tyler. "Baby, time to get up," I whispered then lifted him up so he was sitting on my lap with his head on my shoulder.

"I go pway?" I nodded and brought him to the changing mat in his room, quickly changed him, and put jeans and a t shirt on him.

"Okay let's go eat honey," I said after combing through his curls and gently brushing his teeth. I put him in the high chair and got out apple sauce and a plastic spoon. I fed him faster than I thought so we sat on the couch watching tv. I only remember a few parts from last night, I remember burning myself, thinking Tyler hated me, calling work, and sitting with Harry before kicking him out.

I heard my phone buzz just as I zipped up Tyler's coat, I went and saw that it said it was from Harry. I frowned, not remembering me giving him my number.

From Harry: Hey love, am I still coming over today? Harry xoxo

I smiled, of course he put xoxo in it.

To Harry: Yeah you can start driving and how'd you get my number? :) Liam xoxoxox

From Harry: I might have grabbed your phone when we were sitting on the couch oops ;) Harry x

I smirked and grabbed Tyler, not bothering to reply to harry. I put him in the car, starting it, then drove to Tyler's playgroup. Luckily, he had a toy keeping him occupied and wasn't looking out the window because as I got to a stoplight I saw Harry on the other side of the road. He apparently he saw me because his left eye dropped down and he winked at me as he drove past. That little shit.

I got Tyler inside the building and checked him in giving him a hug and kissing him on the cheek.

I drove fast to my house. Once I got there I noticed that the door that was once locked was unlocked. Great, so that means he remembers where the spare key is too. I walked in and found Harry on the couch with a bag of crisps watching tv.

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