chapter 13

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Harry's POV

I looked over to find Liam sleeping in the seat as we drove the long way home, his breathing even and deep. He looked beautiful when his face would change expressions I'm guessing about what's going on in his dreams but honestly, if you ask me, he always looked beautiful. 

All though he was sleeping the hold he had on my hand didn't let up, I tried pulling it away but he grabbed onto it tighter and made a small groaning sound until I put my hand back in his. 

When we got home I didn't bother waking him up knowing he's had troubles sleeping, instead I sat there for a few minutes, taking in the view of Liam's sleeping form. The way his lips formed a slight pout and the way his nose would scrunch up as dreams played in his head like a movie.
Once I was done staring at him I got out and ran over to his side, picking him up bridal style and bringing him inside our home.

Our home.

For a while it was Liam's and Tyler's home now it's Harry's, Liam's, and Tyler's home which sent butterflies of happiness all through out my body. I couldn't be any happier with our little family, my Liam and my little boy, how did I ever leave? All I know is that it was a huge mistake that I don't ever plan on making again.

I gently laid Liam down onto the couch and put a blanket over him before going back outside to grab my phone (which I seemed to always forget when we got out of the car but Liam usually did a good job at reminding me to get it).

I went back in to find Liam sitting up rubbing his eyes.

"Hey darling, had a nice nap?" I bent down next to the couch and ran my fingers through his soft hair. He nodded while pushing lightly up into the hand that was in his hair. He stretched his arms out towards me, clearly wanting me to cuddle him so, I wrapped my arms around his waist as he wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist.

Once I had a good grip on him I stood up and turned and sat on the couch Liam still holding onto me like it was his last day seeing me, his head pressed into my shoulder and arms and legs secure around me.

"You okay love?" I whispered pulling away to look at his face.

"Yeah I'm just thinking."

"About what?"

"Why'd you come back? Like back to Tyler and I?" He looked down at my hands and played with my rings.

"Because I needed control in my life, I needed you and Tyler because if I didn't have you guys I wasn't me. I dated a fucking girl when I wasn't with you, Liam. A girl. With a vagina. I don't date girls and she was too much and wanted sex and threatened me if I didn't give it to her which stressed me out so much that I did drugs that you know I've been stopping that habit for you guys even though it's really fucking hard. I love you guys and you keep me sane. I am worried that she's gonna do some crazy shit to ruin us because that's been her goal, but as long as I'm with you two now, even with the threat of her lurking around, nothing else matters, not even her."

Liam had tears in his eyes and laid his head on my chest sniffling and trying not to cry. "I love you too H, so much, and if she comes back then we'll figure it out and deal with her and I'll be there to support you until you're fully recovered from your drug addiction. We can do this and I'll be by you the whole time, plus your writing will get you far, your journals are incredible." He smiled at me and grabbed my hair and pulled me close to kiss him.

"Thank you lovely, I'm glad I'm with you two again and not where I was before." I pulled him close, so close he was sitting on top of my thighs and there was no gap between us. 

"What do you want to do today now that it's just us?" He asked looking at me. I felt a smirk find its way onto my face. 

I pulled him closer to me and whispered in his ear.
"Oh I had a few ideas princess"


That's the end of this chapter, I hope you like it!
Love you all!! 


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