Chapter 11

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This chapter is mainly about Harry trying to fix his relationship with Tyler because he feels like he ruined it since he left Tyler wondering where he was for a year, enjoy my babies :)

Harry's POV

Ever since that last incident with Liam cutting himself he has regretted it a lot.
(You would too if your child kept asking you what happened and why you had red lines on your wrist). It took a lot of convincing and reassurance for our little boy to believe his daddy was okay. 

 Since we had sex, Liam has been all over me in the best ways possible. He's more open to anything sexual and has been more affectionate to me and Tyler. The time we've spent as a family has been so wonderful and I've felt so connected, like we were in our own little world of just me, Liam, and Tyler. The nights were even better, Liam and I made love just about every night and afterwards expressed our love in words. 

I know I haven't been around that long since I left, but I still think Liam and I were meant for each other. We found a kid and kept him as our own; and yes, I left but I came back. That in my opinion is love. Liam and Tyler are my life and I can only hope that I'm there's too.

Today was an ordinary day, I had a few hours of my class and Liam sat at home with Tyler until I came home and then we all spent the day together which is what we were doing now, until the credits of Finding Nemo started playing.

"Okay Ty, bath time!" I exclaimed lifting him up in the air and blowing raspberries onto his little tummy. He laughed loudly about how he was apparently an airplane since I was holding him up above my head.

"Okay bud, grab some toys I'll be right back." I kissed his cheek and got him a towel, by the time I got back he had dumped every bath toy he owned into the large bathtub. I chuckled and set down the towel and got him unclothed then started filling up the tub after putting some soap in it so he could have a bubble bath. 

         "Papa get nakey too." He said reaching up to grab at my belt loops but not being able to reach with how small he is and with how long my legs are. 

"No love I'm not getting naked." 

"Pleeeassee." He begged pouting, I sighed. 

"Fine, I'll be right back." I went to my room that was connected to the bathroom and pulled out my pair of swimming trunks and put them on then went to the bathroom again. 

"You not nakey papa!" He exclaimed trying to pull off my swim trunks. 

         "Grown ups don't get naked sweet heart." I mumbled turning off the water and sitting down into the bubbles while bringing him in with me.

"Why?" He put his hands on my chest and looked into my eyes with big eyes.

"That's a question to ask daddy when we get out." I kissed his cheek and played with him for a while, the whole time he never got off of my lap and even let me get soap in his growing hair without putting up a fight. 

I laid him down on the towel I put out after drying us off and put a nappy on him while he played with my curls and babbling on about something Liam did, pausing every once in a while to giggle at my curls bouncing back when he let go of one. 

"Okay time to get some pajamas onto you." I said lifting him up, I can already sense he was getting tired by how pliant he got and not fighting me on whatever I say, he's at the age where if we tell him to do something he'll ask why or say no. 

"Do you want me or daddy to put you to bed?" He groaned and rubbed his eyes with small fists.  

"You papa." He whispered and closed his eyes as I put on his pajama shirt. 

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