Chapter 10

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Liams POV

I sat with Tyler the whole time Harry was gone, we didn't do much besides watch tv.

About three hours later I heard the door open and panic immediately filled me. I set Tyler in the corner and walked into the kitchen to see who entered my house. Of course, it was only Harry.

"Harry I hate you some days," I said with a hand over my chest.

"Why what's wrong?" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I didn't know who was there! I didn't think your classes would be that short so I thought someone was like breaking in or something." I said panic in my voice.

"Nope just me baby." He kissed my cheek and released me to go find Tyler.

"Papa!" Tyler yelled, he didn't see Harry's face right away all he saw was a few curls and a foot but he knew instantly who it was.

"Hey sweetheart." harry said picking him up. "How's my little man?"

Tyler just wrapped his arms around Harry's neck instead of answering.

"How were you two while I was gone?"

"Good. We didn't do anything too exciting." I shrugged. Harry nodded and sat on the couch.

I went upstairs and into our bedroom. I decided I would clean it instead of sleeping (which I planned to do).

I was about halfway done when I found a blade in my nightstand drawer. my breath hitched when I saw it because I knew why it was in there.

Tears filled my eyes as I stared at it, feeling the pain come back that I felt every time I picked up this thing that I once thought was my only friend.

I'll try one more time

Slowly I pressed the cold familiar blade onto my wrist just like I did long ago. when it broke the surface of my skin I hissed and watched little specks of blood form on my wrist. I did it again. and again. and again. I couldn't stop all I knew was I felt the same relieving feeling I felt long ago.

Harry's POV

I went to go lay Tyler down for a nap with Liam since he fell asleep on me. I went into my bedroom and saw Liam sitting up. I could hear small sniffles across the room, I decided to quickly put Tyler in his own room.

I walked back into my room, Liam still sniffling quietly.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I whispered.

"Harry leave please," he cried out still not looking at me.

"Sweetheart what's going on? I can help you." I sat on my side of the bed.

"I did something really stupid, Harry." He cried harder.

"Can I see?" He hesitated but then nodded.

I walked around and saw his wrist. It was covered in blood.

"Oh, sweetheart," I whispered and bent down in front of him.

"I'm sorry." He whispered quietly and started shaking.

"It's okay love it's okay, nothing we can't fix." I grabbed his arm that didn't have cuts or blood on it and brought him to the bathroom.

I gently grabbed his hips and set him on the counter and pulled out a rag and band-aids.

"Harry." Liam whimpered. I turned towards him.

"Yes darling?"

"I'm really sorry." I pressed the wet cloth onto his wrist and put pressure on it to stop the bleeding.

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