Chapter 8

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Liam's POV

There's a certain point in a relationship where you know you're in love. You can feel it in your bones, in every single part of you. Everyone has their own definition of love, my idea of love is coming home to Harry and Tyler snuggled up on the couch and food on the table, my idea of love is holding my son until he falls asleep. That's what we are. That's what my family is. We're a unit and although we aren't perfect, they are my idea of love. I know I'm in love with Harry, I can feel it when someone says his name. It's like coming home after a long trip. Like sleeping in your own bed for the first time in a week. That's what our love is like. It's like coming home and I feel at home every time I feel Harry's presence.

Which is how I feel now, I can hear harry walking down the steps and eventually I feel his body heat radiating off of him. 

"Good morning babe." He kissed my neck sending shivers down my spine. His voice was deep and raspy of sleep.

"Morning lovely, your up earlier than I expected." It was 9:45 and on Harry's off days where he doesn't have plans, he usually sleeps until almost noon it seems.

"Be quiet and kiss me, you idiot." I turned from where I was making breakfast and faced Harry, in that moment I think I stopped breathing. He looked absolutely gorgeous. Sure, I've seen him like this a lot but I've never looked closely. He had the worst case of bed head on the face of the earth, sleep still in his eyes, and his shorts almost falling off from being so low on his hips but he was so so gorgeous. I've never seen anyone so pretty before. I kissed him gently on the lips and pulled away obviously too soon for his liking.

"Have I ever told you that you look gorgeous in the morning?" He smiled, dimples and all, and shook his head no.

"Well, you look absolutely stunning." He smiled wider and kissed my cheek which quickly led to my mouth again. 

"Need to finish breakfast Haz," I said against his mouth and turning back around. 

"Go get Ty, I'll finish breakfast," he said from behind me. I moved out of his way and jogged upstairs into Tyler's room where he laid in a blue crib looking just as cute as Harry.
I walked over to him and softly ran my hand over his face, cooing to him.

"Tyler it's time to get up baby." He whined and shook his head. I picked him up and held him to my chest as I walked around bouncing just a little bit harder than usual to get him to wake up. 

"No daddy, m'seepy," he said while rubbing his face in my chest, messing up his hair more than it already was. 

"Breakfast is done though hun and I want you to eat. You slept forever, guess how long you were sleeping." He looked up at me, expecting me to tell him how long. 

"You slept longer than papa did." He gasped and had a horrified look on his face. 

"I did?!" He exclaimed, fisting my shirt in his small hand.

"Yep, so we better go downstairs and see him." Tyler nodded and let me bring him down.
Breakfast was on the table and Harry was getting food on three plates when I got down to the kitchen with a now very awake Tyler in my arms.

We quickly ate breakfast and got changed, ready to start our day. We didn't do much, we couldn't do much with Tyler just getting better we didn't want to risk him getting sick again by taking him outside especially since it's so cold. So, we stayed in and watched movies with all the lights off and the curtains on the windows shut. 

During the second movie we heard the front door open, Harry was already walking towards the door faster than I was able to react. 

"Are you fucking serious Niall? There's a thing called knocking, you scared the shit out of me." I heard Harry say to Niall.

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