chapter 12

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Liam's POV

We woke up at 7 in the morning to get Tyler to Gemma's by 10 and be home around lunch time. Tyler's still asleep and we decided to let him sleep and just bring him to her house in his pajamas. He's not even two yet so I'm pretty sure Gemma won't care if he's in his pajamas.

"Babe, can you go get Tyler? Just change his diaper and try to make sure he doesn't wake up so there isn't any problems on the way there, I'll pack some food just in case he gets hungry on the way down." Harry said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and kissed my neck. I nodded and turned then kissed him then left to go get Tyler.

I walked into Tylers room and carefully picked him up, putting his stuffed animal back in his arms to soothe him when he almost woke up. I laid him on the changing mat and unzipped his footie pajamas and quickly undid the diaper and changed him into a new one then zipped the footie pajamas back up.

When I walked downstairs with Tyler in my arms Harry already had the car seat out and ready to go (Tyler's a small baby and can still fit into smaller car seats) and some food and a sippy cup full of juice. I laid him down in it and put a blanket over him and gave him his stuffed animal again.

"Alright so I made us breakfast so we can eat really quick so hopefully we can be home sooner and spend the rest of the day together." Harry said while smiling at me. He grabbed my waist and kissed me slowly.

 "We better get eating then," I said as I pulled away and got my plate and sat down.

We finished eating and walked to the vehicle with Tyler in his car seat on my arm. Harry opened the back door and helped me get the car seat strapped in, as we were strapping him in he started to stir.

"Papa? Daddy? Where we go?" He asked confused and clearly still tired.

"It's okay pumpkin we're gonna go to auntie Gemmas house for a while remember? Just go back to sleep we'll turn on a movie too." Harry said getting a movie ready on the portable dvd player we had attached to the front seat. Tyler nodded and leaned his head against the seat and closed his eyes, slowly drifting back to sleep.

The ride was silent for the most part besides the movie in the back playing and Tyler making quiet noises every once in a while.


"Hmm?" I said looking at him, he looked nervous.

"Do you still love me? I know that probably sounds like a dumb question but I just need to know.  And when I left did you love me even when I was gone? Like be completely honest please." Towards the end of his sentence his voice cracked.

"Honestly H, I've never stopped. You taught me things no one else has and you changed my life in a way no one else has been able to. I loved you a year ago, I loved you six months ago, I loved you two months ago, I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I'll probably love you tomorrow. I can't ever stop loving you." I said. He sniffled quietly and wiped at his eyes, trying not to get emotional.

"What have I taught you?" He let out a small laugh and shook his head.

I traced my fingers over his arm as I talked, "you taught me more about life than anyone ever has believe it or not. You've struggled a lot with your family and your past and you taught me how to be strong because I've seen you work out but you've also taught me how to be strong mentally and that's how I made it through out the whole year you were gone. I will always love you until the end of time and I really hope you realize that." He nodded and wiped at his face again.

"You know when I was gone I did try to figure out my life but I wasn't a great person either, I really beat myself up over everything. I took a lot of drugs and almost died because of it. But then I started writing and I looked for help for my drug addiction which was right before I came back because I wanted to be recovered before I came back to you two, I couldn't let you or Ty see me like that. Especially when I was trying to stop doing it. But I'm okay now and I'm as happy as I'll ever be with my two favorite boys." He smiled at me and kissed my hand then turned back to the road, focusing almost all his attention on it.

"I love you H, so much, always make me so proud" I said kissing his shoulder gently.

 "I love you too Li, so so very much." He whispered against my hand.

After that it was silent until we got to Gemmas who came running at Harry and throwing herself into his arms who thankfully caught her and wrapped his arms around her, even though they've already reunited Gemma still worries about him. As they had their moment I went over to get Tyler who was still mostly asleep.

"Come on lovely, auntie's waiting for you." I cooed running my knuckles up and down his cheek. He just frowned at my cold hand and lifted his arms to be picked up. I lifted him out of the seat and into my arms, he laid his head onto my shoulder and stuck his thumb in his mouth trying to fall back asleep even though at this point he probably won't.

"There's my little babycakes! " Gemma squealed looking at Tyler who laughed in delight and reached out for her, making grabby hands for her to take him. She grabbed him and threw him gently up into the air and caught him above her head then lowered him down and kissed all over his face, making giggles fall out of his mouth.

"Missed you." He mumbled shyly after he stopped laughing.

"Oh I missed you too baby doll! I was thinking about you the other day and decided that we should bake a cake and a ton of cookies today and get all hyped up on sugar then bring you back to your daddies!" He clapped excitedly and giggled loudly.

"Alright sweetheart daddy and I are gonna go then so you and auntie Gemma can get to cooking, be good for her yeah?" Harry said, kissing him on his head and wrapping him up into a hug, I heard muffled I love you's and I'll miss you's between them as they said goodbye, then Tyler did the same to me. Harry went to go get his bag and I went over to Gemma.

"Thank you very much for taking him, Harry and I just need time to ourselves." I said, hugging her.

"Oh of course Liam you know how much I love this baby." She smiled and hit my arm lightly. 

"Alright here's his bag now I think me and Liam are taking off yeah?" He looked at me and put a hand on my back. 

"Yeah I'm ready to go." We all hugged each other again and said our goodbyes and then we were off. 

"What did you even have in mind when you decided to send him off to Gemmas?" I asked grabbing Harry's hand. 

He kissed the back of my hand gently. 

"You'll just have to figure that one out for yourself Liam." He winked at me with a small smirk on his face. 

Some days I hate this boy but really I love him even more.


Alright there you go! Sorry it might be a bit short but the next chapter will be really good, there will more than likely be a little bit of liam Harry fun time so yeah! I love you guys!

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